Diet for pregnant women

Diet for pregnant women
 Pregnancy - a happy event for any woman, and so that it runs smoothly, and the mother's body in no need, providing child beneficial nutrients necessary to observe the correct diet. Nutrition of pregnant women should be balanced - it should be completely absent substandard and harmful products, all fruits and vegetables should be fresh, and the diet should be a full and varied.

In the menu, the expectant mother is required to include not only vegetables, fruits and herbs, but also a source of animal protein - fish and lean meat.

Processing of products bought in stores, should be as healthy - so it's best to give up salty, smoked and dried ready meals. Such products often lead to complications, overweight, heartburn and allergies. If you eat properly, weight gain, natural for expectant mothers, will take place evenly, but if there is wrong, body weight can increase dramatically.

The big problem for many pregnant toxicosis is - in the first trimester of pregnancy, many experiencing nausea and dizziness. Include in your diet nuts, fruit on an empty stomach, cottage cheese, fresh herbs, dried bread - all this helps to cope with the symptoms of toxicity.

If morning sickness begins during late pregnancy should be avoided sweet, salty, starchy foods and fat, as well as doctors recommend eating more low-fat cottage cheese and apples, from time to time arranging fasting days. Compliance with proper diet will not allow to gain extra pounds, and will benefit the child, even if the expectant mother will experience a strong sense of hunger.

Shortly before the birth will be the best diet diet that excludes eggs, butter, fish and meat. Twenty days prior to delivery, go for food dairy products, cereals and vegetables, drink plenty of fluids - green tea, fruit drinks, juices, compotes and mineral water. Limit consumption of bread and pastries, and ten days before the birth refrain from their use at all.

Eat frequently and in small portions to avoid heaviness in the abdomen. To the day of birth not experience nausea and bloating, it is not necessary in this day there at all - an exception can be made for mineral water, dried fruits and nuts.

Tags: time mom, future pregnancy, diet, nutrition, women, pregnant