Diet for a person: how to look perfect

 "Here she dances alone, but with three chins" - as the hero of a film directed by Leonid Gaidai. Agree, not the most flattering statement. Therefore, a woman's chin should be only one!

In category Beauty: Perfect make-up

How to lose weight body we know about already, but what if the figure as a whole seems to be happy, but the cheeks and incipient double chin spoil the whole picture? Thin face diminishes you a few pounds in the eyes of others, and complete, on the contrary adds. There is no diets that would affect only one body part. But, if you follow certain rules, your face lose weight in the first place. And the result will be noticeable within a few days.

First. Drink lots of water! Not less than two liters per day. Our body is designed so that the shortage of water, he begins to "set aside", which causes swelling of the face, hands or feet. And if enough fluid in the body, it is itself derived from the body without much hassle. The most useful thing to drink pure or mineral water without gas or green tea.

The second. Eat less salt. It retains water in the body, which again causes swelling. Very much salt is contained in semi-finished products, canned food, fast food. Also in chips, crackers, and all those snacks that we love beer.

Third. Give up alcohol. Wine, beer, liquor - it all again, retains moisture, besides alcohol itself - one of the most high-calorie foods in the world!

Fourth. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables! Firstly, they improve the complexion, and in the second, again - a lot of moisture in them!

Fifth. Take calcium. If every day the body receives not less than 1, 2 mg of calcium, you lose weight faster. Calcium lot in milk, cottage cheese, fish, nuts, dried fruit. And it is not necessary to choose low-fat products: animal fat in reasonable quantities is necessary to man: The daily requirement is 90 grams of fat, including vegetable - not less than 25 g

Sixth. Every day, 250 calories and 250 exclude - burn. To lose weight at 0, 5 kilos, you need to burn 3,500 calories. Start small - get rid of 500 calories a day, and very soon you will see the result first on the face, and then on the whole figure. 250 calories can be burned by a 30-minute walk, and another 250 eliminate the expense of desserts: ice cream substitute yogurt and cookies - a banana.

 Exercises for the face

• Extend the lips as much as possible, the maximum straining muscles and say the letters and, A, W.
• Open your mouth widely and as much as possible, take the language.
• Sit up straight in front of the mirror. Pull the cheeks, then inflate them. First one then the other.
• Smile at one half of the mouth, dropping and lifting the corner of his mouth. The same with the other half. Exercise is useful for fat cheeks.
• Sit up straight, look at the ceiling, stretching his neck. In this position, turn your head so as to look up at the ceiling above his right shoulder. Turn your head forward, lower your chin to your right shoulder. The same applies in the opposite direction.

We perform these simple exercises every day and within a week or two, you're sure to find the results! And not just on the face!

See also:
Ten Rules of royal posture
Gymnastics for the person

Tags: Diet, weight loss