Buckwheat diet. Reviews!

 Buckwheat diet helps to lose 3 to 7 kg per week, while you do not feel hungry, keep a good mood and well-being. Designed diet for one week, but if you are relatively persistent, and can withstand two weeks, dropping a couple of extra pounds. Let's examine the pros and cons of buckwheat diet on JustLady.ru

All of the Kremlin diet

Buckwheat monodiet with a slight deviation

Buckwheat - based diet, but ... there is a small pleasant retreat - low-fat yogurt, "mead" and some fruit. If you like buckwheat and kefir, you are quite capable of this diet and you will quite easily lose up to 7 kg per week.


In buckwheat contains a lot of protein and very little carbohydrates, from which we recover. Just buckwheat rich in amino acids, iron and vitamins. Well absorbed in the body contained in buckwheat minerals - iodine, salts of calcium, phosphorous, oxalic acid. Buckwheat has a positive effect on the liver, bowel activity, helps to lower cholesterol.

Method of preparation:buckwheat not brewed and poured boiling water in the evening and insisted overnight. For this purpose it is necessary to observe the usual proportions: a glass of buckwheat added two glasses of water. By morning cereal will be similar to the usual boiled buckwheat, if the water is completely absorbed groats, simply drain the excess and the next day, add a little less than boiling water.

Note: in this way we prepare porridge without salt, no sugar, no spices, do not add oil to mush.

Buckwheat eat in any amount up to six, seven in the evening. 4-5 hours before bedtime must refuse to accept this dish.


During the day you can drink up to 1 liter of 1% non-fat yogurt. Also allowed an hour before bedtime drink a glass of yogurt, if you will be hard to endure hunger in the evening.


In no case do not limit yourself in the water! Simple boiled water or mineral water without gas best.


Buckwheat diet compels us to completely abandon sugar and sugar - is glucose, which is very necessary for our brain to work effectively. Therefore, many during the buckwheat diet there is a desire to eat something sweet and it seems that the head is worse thinks. Help in this case as follows: Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water and drink this "drink". Do not be afraid, all the glucose get the brain, and not postponed in problem areas.

Coffee, fruit

If you can not refuse a cup of your favorite coffee, can afford little relief. But, remember, the coffee must be strong and without sugar! It is also possible to drink tea without sugar.

If you will be very hard to eat a buckwheat, enter into the diet of apple or orange (1-2 a day).

Composition of the products of buckwheat diet per 100 grams

Product Name diet Proteins g Fat, g Carbohydrate, g Energy
Kcal / 100 g
Buckwheat (by the method of preparation of buckwheat diet) 5, 9 1, 6 30, 5 329
Kefir low-fat (1%) 4, 3 1 5, 3 49

Advantages of buckwheat diet

Plusbuckwheat diet is that in most cases, weight loss is not accompanied by painful sensations, expressed in terms of general fatigue, lethargy, and weakness.

The second plusbuckwheat diet due to the very high calorie buckwheat - you do not feel hunger.

Third, and perhaps most important advantagebuckwheat diet - High efficiency. Weight loss, in the opinion in many forums on the internet, comes to 14 kg in two weeks.

In some cases, the use of diet improves the appearance of skin, reduce the appearance of cellulite (due to the normalization of metabolism), which indicates the effective mechanism of action of buckwheat diet.


1. Specificity of buckwheat diet and its duration is the need to take multivitamin preparations.
2. If you are on this diet lasted 2 weeks, but have not brought their weight to the desired, repeated its implementation may be administered no earlier than a month.
3. The negative side of buckwheat diet is that you will not get any salt or sugar. Therefore, this diet should be used with caution in people who have diabetes and / or hypertension.
4. Buckwheat diet contraindications as a disease of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer. Diet should not be used in pregnant women and nursing mothers. JustLady.ru recalls that before you start any diet, you should consult with your doctor, because every diet has contraindications.

Love yourself, love others, be happy and beautiful!

Elena Matsuk
Women's magazine JustLady

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