Bland diet every day

Bland diet every day
 A little tough, and then go back to normal life - so many perceive diets and can not lose weight as they want them to, and periodically suffering from limitations ruin the lives of themselves and others. But the most effective diet - constant and not very tangible. But the result - there!

Set a goal, determine your ideal weight and volume, set some time. Big goal-base can be divided into paragraphs: what to achieve in a week, how much to lose. Prepare for yourself and loved ones a few optimistic statements, statements such as "I'll eat more vegetables!", "I will begin to move more!" (You should avoid denial of desires, such as "I'll never look at sweets"). Imagine how you should look like you'll be sure to look. In detail "treat" your future image every day.

However, only a properly configured not enough. Be made in the daily life of something new - for example, a new healthy snack. This may be berries, fruit, nuts. Begin to eat more plant foods. At the same time eat more often. It is necessary to switch from the traditional three meals a day into six small meals. If your rhythm of life can not eat on such a scheme, give preference system "rich breakfast, medium lunch and dinner poor" (in this case should refrain from eating three hours before bedtime).

Drink more. The liquid also saturates. And yet allows water to get rid of toxins. Of course, you should choose a healthy and healthy drinks.

Do the exercise that you like. Someone nicer to run, someone - to engage on the home trainer, someone - to go to yoga. The main thing - such loads should bring joy and be at least three times a week. It is best to schedule and follow it. Well, if there is a like-minded friend - join the fun! A more useful as often as possible to make walking and climbing stairs.

Tags: weight, diet, weight loss