Apple diet: how to become leaner

 This diet is safe. It is short-term and based on the action of pectin (fiber), fruit acids and potassium. They excrete old fat, burn calories and stimulates metabolism and digestion.

Apples - a very valuable piece of fruit, which are present in almost all the body needs vitamins and minerals, as well as folic acid, sugar, pectin. "Every day, eating an apple, you save on doctor" - as the English say.

Apple diet helps to normalize or correct a metabolic disorder, fight obesity. But you should know that it is not a panacea. And, just sit on this diet, you will not be delicate forever. Yes, you will lose many pounds of something, but returned to normal after a diet lifestyle and his former diet, gain weight again.

Apple, like any othermonodiet (Kefir, rice, vegetables, cottage cheese, fish, etc.), Is good only as a supplement to the main method of healing. It is best to arrange a so-called fasting day "on the apples." This is particularly relevant after overeating during the holidays and after selling freemen on the rich "Buffet" in Turkey.

To reduce weight, the "apple day" is preferably carried out 1-2 times a week. For prevention - just once a month. By the way, this diet is very effective for the prevention of atherosclerosis and is useful for hypertensive patients.

There are several versions of the diet.
1. During the day, you need to eat only apples. And as much as "fit". But at the same time be sure to drink plenty of fluids. The most optimal - soothing herbal infusions.

2. The day you should gradually "leave" three pounds of fresh apples. And (please!) - Nothing to drink. Enough of the fluid, which in apples. By the way, fans can bake apples in the oven - almost no difference.

3. Another popular this kind of diet - kefir-apple. On 1 apple - 1/2 cup of yogurt 5-6 times a day. Very often it is advised to apply to pregnant women during toxicosis.

4. Diet for a week. For the most persistent who dopekli problems with being overweight or digestive organs. 1st day - 1 kg of apples; Day 2 - 1, 5 kg of apples; Day 3 - 2 kg of apples; Day 4 - 2 kg of apples; Day 5 - 1 5 kg of apples; Day 6 - 1 kg of apples. You can drink tea, preferably green, and chewing black bread croutons.

Some tips.
Help for constipation 2-3 apples fasting every morning for a month or more.

For those who quit smoking, but the process is "creaking" useful apple diet for three consecutive days. To her it is recommended green tea.

Those who have bowel problems, just have to eat apples every day and arrange a apple days. American scientists have found that apples have specific substances that inhibit the malignant cells that cause cancer of the liver and intestines.

It is important to know which varieties are suitable for you. For example, gastric ulcer contraindicated sour apples, and "allowed" sweet or even baked sweet. On the contrary - in the case of gastritis with low acidity appropriate acidic apples varieties Antonovka, for example.

To apples quickly learned, it is better to have grated.

In seeds of apples contain a lot of iodine: if you eat 5-6 apple seeds, the body receives a daily dose of iodine.

Users do not lose weight from apples, and on the overall caloric eaten within a day or two kilograms was less than their caloric diet another day. Similarly, one can lose any other product if only it. Even on bread or potatoes.

3-day apple diet

1st day.
Breakfast: Slice of bread with 1 tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese and 3 slices of apple.
Between meals: 1 apple and 1 small loaf.
Lunch Time: Fish salad: 150 g of fish + 1 apple + orange + 1 bunch of celery. Filling: 75 g low-fat yogurt + lemon juice. Salt to taste.
Between meals: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese and 1 apple.
Dinner: 2 sandwiches with rye bread and cheese. At one place the pieces on top of one apple to another - cucumber slices and sprinkle with herbs.

2nd day.
Breakfast: Homemade muesli: 1 grated apple (with peel), 1 tbsp. spoon of raisins, 30 g of oat flakes and 150 g of low-fat milk.
Between meals: 1 apple.
Lunch Time: Pancake of 30 g of wheat flour, 6 tablespoons. tablespoons of low-fat milk and 1 egg (salt, cinnamon and sugar substitute to taste). Filling: 1 apple, sliced.
Between meals: 100g low-fat yogurt with half an apple.
Dinner: 40 g of rice mixed with chopped apple and half a banana.

3rd day.
Breakfast: 1 slice of rye bread, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese and 1 apple.
Between meals: Drink from 1 grated apple, 150 g low-fat yogurt, lemon juice and cinnamon.
Lunch Time:100 g chicken breast or lean beef with apple "blanket." Recipe "blanket": finely chop 1 apple and 1 sweet red pepper, add 1 tsp. Lemon juice 2 tsp. Sugar, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of water and cook for 5-7 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and vinegar.
Between meals: 1 apple.
Dinner: Salad: 2 small carrots 1 apple and coarsely chopped, add 1 tsp. Raisins, 1 slice (60 g) light cheese, such as Camembert. Dressing to the salad: 2 tsp. Low-fat cream + 2 tbsp. tablespoons of low-fat milk and sugar substitute (to taste).

Thisdiet safe. It is short-term and based on the action of pectin (fiber), fruit acids and potassium.
They excrete the "old" fat, burn calories and stimulates metabolism and digestion.

Due to the tissue, eating an apple, you'll be quite a long time to feel full. Apple diet can withstand each.

Sweet you do not want.
Glucose and fructose contained in apples, maintaining stable blood sugar levels, will keep you from desire to eat a chocolate bar.

Choose a medium-sized apples, weighing about 150 g each fruit contains about 87 calories.

Eat apples, after washing them thoroughly, but without removing the peel - underneath is more nutrients. Use not one, but two or three different varieties of apples.

Tags: diet