Protein diet doctor Ducane

Protein diet doctor Ducane
 Its system of slimming famous French nutritionist Pierre Ducane developed over a decade ago. Diet Dr. Ducane immediately gained popularity among the French, and later acquired worldwide fame and letting lose weight without the debilitating hunger strikes and strict selection of products. To date, the book by Dr. Ducane (I do not know how to lose weight), dedicated to the basic rules of its protein diet, is an international bestseller, table tutorial, many people who want to bring their weight back to normal. Diet Dr. Ducane tested many celebrities, and they certainly are experts in this matter! In this article, female site JustLady cover the basic principles and diet recipes that will help you lose weight, not excluding from the diet of their favorite dishes.

French nutritionist diet Ducane relies on the protein (protein) products. Reducing the consumption of carbohydrates and fats, you automatically start ketosis - the process by which the body is actively burning fat tissue. If you're hoping that by dropping the required amount of pounds, will be able to return back to the familiar principle of power - you are deeply mistaken. Protein diet should be followed for life, but in this case, your weight will be stable. Do not be intimidated in advance! Products authorized in the diet, can hardly be called tasteless. But, let's order.

FrenchDiet Dr. Ducane consists of four phases. The first phase ("Attack") - allowed unlimited consumption of protein foods, spices and up to 2 liters (per day) of water without gas. For salads and hot dishes you can use lemon juice, vinegar, garlic and onion. The second phase ("Cruise") - protein days alternating with mixed days (proteins and vegetables in any quantity). The third phase ("stabilization") - at this stage can be added to the diet of some bread, cheese, pasta, rice and potatoes.

Allowed once a day teaspoon of vegetable oil and some fruit (exception - bananas, cherries, grapes). The fourth phase ("support") - reasonable food (excludes a large number of sweets, semi-finished products), and once a week a mandatory fasting day for all protein foods. An important caveat: every day to start with 1.5-3 tablespoons of oat bran - they prevent the absorption of fat, normalize digestion and create a saturation effect.

Protein diet doctor Ducane

1. "Attack"

Duration "attack" is defined overweight, from which you want to get rid of. 10 kg - a first phase in practice for three days, 10-20 kg - 3.5 days, and more than 30 kg - 10.5 days. The basis of the food shall be:
• lean meat (veal, beef);
• veal and beef tongue, kidneys, liver, ham;
• seafood, fish;
• Poultry (exception - duck);
• eggs and low-fat dairy products;
• herbal tea.

The first phaseDukan Diet recipes food allowed at this stage should not contain oil. All products are best steamed or grilled, adding spices to taste (sugar are excluded).

2. The "Cruise"

This phase should last as long as you do not reach your ideal weight. The principle of power at this stagediet doctor Ducane - You can use all of the products from the first phase, adding to them soy cheese and vegetables (raw or boiled), which can be eaten in unlimited quantities:
• tomatoes, radishes, spinach, cucumbers, cabbage, sweet pepper;
• mushrooms, eggplant, zucchini, asparagus, beans, celery.

You can "treat" myself cheese (30 grams per day) and a few drops of olive oil as a dressing. If you do not have more than 10 extra pounds, the principle of supply shall be as follows: one day protein, one day mixed (proteins with vegetables) or three protein mixed three days. Excess weight exceeding 10 kg - five alternate protein days with five mixed.

3. "Stabilization"

This stageFrench nutritionist diet Ducane is calculated as follows. The basis of a number of pounds that you threw during the first two phases, and is multiplied by ten. Lost 8 pounds - a third phase should last 80 days. Features of the third phase: obligatory arrange times a week fasting day protein (meat, fish, beans, dairy products), and try to include in your aerobic mode (you can force) training. And, as a small encouragement "dozhivshim" to the third stage - twice a week, every meal (once a day!), You can eat anything you want. At this stage, you need to eat on the basis of the first two stages, adding to the diet of 100 grams of fruit, 200 grams of rice (pasta, potatoes, beans), 40 g of cheese and two slices of wholemeal bread a day.

4. "Supportive"

This phase is recommended to adhere permanently, after passing through the three stagesdiet doctor Ducane. You can eat in unlimited quantities all the products listed in the previous sections. It is advisable not to eat: pastries, cakes, starchy foods, alcohol, carbonated soft drinks, salt and mustard. Meals should be lodging with one discharge (protein) in the afternoon.

French nutritionist diet Duke exemplary menu (mixed day)

BreakfastYogurt or cottage cheese (200-300 g), a piece of baked or boiled turkey, boiled egg and herbal tea.
Lunch TimeTuna, steamed, stewed vegetables with mushrooms, tea or coffee.
Dinner: Beef grilled vegetable soup. As a snack between meals you can eat scrambled eggs, yogurt, fruit.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: dish, mushroom, product, diet, alcohol, title, doctor, attack, review, recipe, method, option, stage, Frenchman, dietician, Pierre, ketosis