How to quickly get rid of fatigue

How to quickly get rid of fatigue
 Fatigue - is a human condition, which manifests itself in the feeling of lethargy and weakness in the muscular pains, the refusal of memory and normal functioning of the brain. All these are symptoms of overload. The brain sends a signal to the body that a person needs a rest. But what to do if tired can not leave the workplace or refuse to entertainment, you can not miss?
 There are several ways to quickly get rid of fatigue. Quite common method of removing her symptoms considered to be a douche. As is known, water - a good source of energy. It literally washes away the severity of the problems and fatigue. A douche - this is a recipe for a return to vigorous condition and high spirits.

Good "Energy" today recognized coffee or dark chocolate. More than once researchers confirmed that these two products are able to "shake up" even the most tired man.

You can get rid of fatigue and with the help of exercise. 10 minutes of jumping, running or brisk walking can help unwind. Gain muscle tone. Sleep and fatigue will go nowhere. Another option exercise is walking. Fresh air will provide a surge of oxygen in the body, improve blood circulation, symptoms of fatigue quickly boil down to nothing.

Fatigue can be defeated in a simpler way. Only need 20 minutes to sit with your eyes closed or listen to your favorite music, move to the beat of the rhythm and even sing. This method is good because it does not require any effort on the part of man. Energy and high spirits will provide music.

Come to the rescue during fatigue and humor. Reading jokes, chat with your favorite girlfriends and friends, watching a comedy or a good movie will save a tired man from his misfortunes.

And, of course, you can get rid of fatigue through deep breathing. Twenty inhale - exhale breath-hold for 3-7 seconds will help to improve blood circulation, which has a positive effect on overall health.

Thus, to cope with fatigue can be quickly and efficiently and at the workplace and at home. Remember these simple methods, each person who is experiencing severe stress, can perk up at the time. But will stand out once a day or an hour, you need to have rest and unwind to fatigue is not passed in the chronic stage.

Additional sources:

  • How to quickly get rid of fatigue
 Author: Andrei Sidorov

Tags: fatigue