Egg diet for a week

Egg diet for a week
 Weekly egg diet is attractive because of just 7 days you can lose up to 10 pounds overweight. Thus vitamins, and minerals from the body receives those products which are approved for use. Themselves boiled eggs give a feeling of satiety for a long time, improve metabolism, including fat metabolism.
 All egg diet is not based on counting calorie foods (although the restriction in terms of food is still present), and chemical processes that run on a combination of the body. Rapid effect diet provides vitamin H or biotin contained in the egg yolk. It was he who contributes to the rapid metabolism of fats and starts the process of burning, it also accelerates the carbohydrate metabolism, preventing the latter turn into fats and deposited on your figure. Biotin is responsible for the digestion of protein of any origin (and the menu included chicken, yogurt, cottage cheese), which makes the process of losing weight fast and efficient.

No news is the fact that the regular consumption of eggs a beneficial effect on the health and appearance. This is facilitated by lutein and coenzyme R, or vitamin B8. Lutein - a natural antioxidant, improves skin condition, and coenzyme R does not only give the beauty of skin and hair, it is also indicated for the musculoskeletal system.

Maximizing the positive result by applying the egg seven-day diet, obey mode:

• Drink as often as possible and more fluid at any time.
• Vegetables are boiled in water only, if you want to add spices, garlic, onion, salt. You can use the steamer.
• Do not refill the dish with oil.
• When the feeling of hunger you can eat fresh carrots, lettuce or cucumber, but only 2 hours after breakfast, lunch or dinner.
• Follow the diet and the amount of products and do not change places with breakfast lunch or dinner.
• Extra vitamins to take is not required, but you can.
• Recommended for sports, they contribute to greater weight loss fix the achieved results.

Menu egg diet for 7 days

1 day

Breakfast should consist of a grapefruit, 2 boiled eggs and green tea. For lunch, eat one boiled egg, 1 orange and 150 g of cooked chicken. Dinner includes 200 grams of cooked chicken and a glass of kefir.

Day 2

At breakfast - 2 boiled eggs, a glass of freshly squeezed citrus juice. Lunch consists of 2 oranges, 150 g of boiled or stewed chicken, a glass of water. For dinner, eat two boiled eggs and 1 grapefruit, wash down with a glass of milk.

Day 3

At breakfast, treat yourself to a glass of water with lemon juice and 1 boiled egg. Dine 200 g of boiled meat and 1 grapefruit. Dinner should consist of 2 boiled eggs and a glass of mineral water.

Day 4

For breakfast cook scrambled eggs 3 with any of greenery. At lunch, eat lettuce, 2 boiled chicken legs (up to 150 g). In the evening, dine 2 grapefruit, 1 boiled egg and a glass of water.

Day 5

The breakfast menu includes a salad of cooked carrots, 2 boiled eggs, greens and lean tablespoon of sour cream. For lunch allow yourself 2 fresh carrots with a glass of orange juice. For dinner stew 100 g of sea fish in lemon juice, add the menu 1 boiled egg and a glass of mineral water.

Day 6

Have breakfast 150g low fat cottage cheese and a glass of citrus juice. For lunch - 2 grapefruit and 2 boiled eggs. Dinner only replaces mineral water in any quantity.

7 day

Breakfast should consist of half a grapefruit and two boiled eggs. Dinner menu - a 200 g of boiled meat and 1 orange. Dinner again miss, replacing it with mineral water.

Come out of the egg diet gradually. In their menu and be sure to include alternate diet foods: citrus fruits, eggs, meat, cheese, yogurt.

Tags: week, diet, egg weight loss