Buckwheat diet and cleansing of the body

Buckwheat diet and cleansing of the body
 Buckwheat diet - one of the easiest, safest and most effective diets. It allows you not only to get rid of extra pounds, but is able to cleanse the body of toxins and improve well-being. In buckwheat contains a sufficient number of carbohydrates, so weight loss does not occur immediately, but a week of using this diet guarantees weight loss of 8-10 kg.

Buckwheat is very useful. It includes a large number of necessary for the human body trace elements (magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, vitamin B, etc.), increasing its resistance to stressful situations, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and improves the condition of skin, hair and nails .

Throughout the diet the body, to provide themselves with nutrients, have to burn its own fat. This process, under the influence of accelerated metabolism, will be much faster and easier.

The disadvantage is the lack of buckwheat diet in the diet of sugar and salt. Therefore, use it as soon as possible to be careful. Unsalted buckwheat displays all the dross, but at the same time, due to a lack of salt can occasionally occur headaches, lowers blood pressure.

During the diet you may notice decreased mental activity. This occurs due to the shortage of sugar and glucose without which the brain does not work effectively. Therefore, to maintain a balance sometimes permitted to drink a glass of water to dilute it in a teaspoon of honey.

 To prepare the buckwheat need 200 g of pure grains steamed half a liter of boiling water. Capacity wraps in a warm towel and leave overnight. In the morning, if necessary, excess water can be drained.

Eat it should be this empty porridge. Do not add salt or spices it. There buckwheat need throughout the day, but no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. You can drink any liquid, whether green, black tea or soda. Its amount should be at least one and a half liters per day.

Estimated daily menu buckwheat diet can be like that. In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of hot water with honey and lemon. For breakfast are allowed to eat the first portion of porridge and drink it unsweetened tea or natural vegetable juice (tomato, beetroot), without salt and sugar. For lunch and dinner used the second and third batch of buckwheat.

In buckwheat diet, there are many varieties. One of them is the buckwheat with yogurt. Kefir - a rich source of protein and calcium, vitamins A, B2, B12 and other nutrients. He helps to improve digestion, elimination of toxins from the body. Lactic acid bacteria compete with the processes of putrefaction in the intestine. Therefore, such a diet not only helps reduce weight, it also normalizes the intestine and liver and cleanses the skin, reduce the appearance of dermatitis.

During buckwheat diet yogurt should be consumed in an amount of 1 liter per 30 minutes before or after eating. Also allowed them to drink empty buckwheat. Such measures recommended to combine with multivitamins. For a variety of menus can be added to porridge fried in vegetable oil onion. The duration of such a diet is 7 days.

Buckwheat diet is strict enough exercise. Therefore, it must adhere not more than 2 weeks. If necessary, re-rate it is necessary to take a break, at least one month. Return to normal diet should be gradual, gradually introducing familiar with the products. Do not abuse the sweet, flour and fat. This can lead to the restoration of the original weight.

Although buckwheat diet is a big plus (rapid weight loss, improvement of skin, hair, lack of hunger during it), there are some contraindications to its use. It is primarily the presence of duodenal ulcers and stomach cancer, hypertension and diabetes. Not recommended as a diet for pregnant and lactating women.

Tags: body, buckwheat, diet, cleansing method contraindication