10 rules of proper weight loss

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 The question is how to lose weight without harm to health care, millions of people. Of course, the best way to lose weight for each individual, but the common denominator is sure to provide proper nutrition and exercise. Healthy lifestyle not only helps to remove those extra pounds, but do not get side-diseases.
 Rule 1

Getting any diet or exercise program, consult your physician. Even if you believe in his "iron health", it never hurts to make sure that a change in lifestyle will not affect him for the worse.

Rule 2

Always put in front of you individually attainable, realistic goals. According to doctors, people with excess weight loss of only 5-10 percent of the weight can significantly improve overall health. The same percentage of body weight lost as soon as possible, able to provoke an aggravation or the development of a number of diseases. Start with the fact that put a goal to lose a few pounds in a month, even if your weight is measured in tens of kilos. Psychological benefits to achieve the objective will serve you a big impetus to continue on, but do not throw the process midway.

Rule 3

Identify triggers (events or causes that make you behave in a certain way) that provoke you to overeating or lead to the fact that you are throwing exercises. Try to eliminate them. For example, keep healthy snacks in a desk drawer, not to be tempted by the sweet, brought colleagues at the office kitchen, choose sparing exercises, such as swimming, if your joints start to hurt from running or aerobics.

Rule 4

If you are used to eating at the restaurant and coffee shop or buy prepared food, get rid of this habit - learn how to cook. This will give you the opportunity to experiment with different spices to add flavor to food, as well as low-calorie recipes to master.

Rule 5

Do not choose a diet, but plan to change their dietary habits. Revise diet and make your own personal eating plan. Find out how many servings of each food group needed to maintain your health. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein and healthy fats are an important part of your daily diet - do not forget about it.

Rule 6

Avoid pills or supplements for weight loss. Dietary supplements are too easily become more important a healthy lifestyle. Instead, eat a multivitamin that will provide your body with essential trace elements and minerals. With their help, you will look and feel better.

Rule 7

Do not skip breakfast - your body needs fuel to "launch" a healthy morning snack will allow you to start the day "right." Food restock glucose in your body and your muscles get the energy it needs.

Rule 8

Eat less but more often. Thus, your body begins to accelerate metabolism, burning calories faster. In addition, small portions may prevent, obesity. Eat slowly. It is proved, that the saturation signal from the stomach to reach the brain within 20 minutes.

Rule 9

Try to make in their lives more moves, even if you regularly engaged in fitness in the gym. Walk, dance, roller skate, buy a dog and walk it regularly.

Rule 10

Weigh and measure the volume every 15 days. This will allow you to see the positive results that may not be as noticeable if you do it more often. It is also good to be photographed with the same frequency. Similar photos - clear evidence of your success.

Tags: image, life, weight loss, harm, weight loss