Useful properties of grape seed oil

Useful properties of grape seed oil
 Grapeseed oil obtained from the seeds of grapes in one of two ways - by cold pressing (pressing) or hot extraction. More useful is oil produced by the first method. When this oil is stored in a maximum of minerals, vitamins and biologically active substances, which define a variety of cosmetic and therapeutic properties of the product.

Grape seed oil: useful properties

This oil contains:
- Tannin;
- Protein;
- Chlorophyll;
- Flavonoids;
- Phytosterols;
- Volatile;
- Vitamins B, A, E, C and PP;
- Tannin;
- Enzymes;
- Macro- and trace elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, selenium, etc.).
- Essential fatty acids - stearic, oleic, palmitic, linoleic, arachidic.

Most of the acids in grape seed oil contains linoleic, which defines particularly valuable cosmetic properties of this natural product. For example, he has the ability to maintain the necessary hydration and stimulate regeneration.

In conjunction with oleic acid linoleic has immunostimulatory and anti-inflammatory effect, helps to improve the work of the blood vessels and the heart, normalization of lipid metabolism, endocrine and nervous systems, effectively cleanse the body from various harmful substances - toxins, toxins, radionuclides, heavy metals and others.

Located in the oil gives it a natural chlorophyll green. He also gives the body tone and helps heal damaged tissues.

Grape seed oil is widely used in cosmetics and medicine.

Grape seed oil contains procyanidins - a natural antioxidant that supports normal functioning of body cells, as well as to update them regularly. Also, this oil is able to regulate cell membranes, sweat glands, it removes from the body oxygenated radicals, it strengthens and protects against diseases.

This oil contains large amounts of vitamin E. It takes only 1 tablespoon grape oil to meet the daily needs of the human body in this matter. Vitamin E helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels, strengthen blood vessel walls, it has anti-inflammatory, immunoukreplyayuschee, vasodilator, wound healing, protivotrombicheskoe impact.

To increase the resistance of the organism against various infectious diseases, it is recommended within 4 weeks of daily use inside of 20 grams of natural grape seed oil.

In addition, vitamin E plays an important role in the sexual and cardiovascular systems, it is necessary to complete the work of the reproductive function. In combination with vitamins C and A, which are part of grapeseed oil, it has a positive impact on the work of the organs of sight, and improves the condition of the epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes.

Antioxidant resveratrol contained in this oil has a strong protivotrombicheskoe, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and anti-sclerotic effect. This antioxidant biological function and structure is very similar to estradiol - female hormone.

Resveratrol helps to normalize the balance of estrogen and strengthen the walls of capillaries and blood vessels. In addition, it prevents obesity, improves lymph and blood, liver function, significantly reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's. Also regulates the antioxidant function of the sebaceous glands and stimulates natural collagen necessary for skin elasticity.

The use of grape seed oil

Grape seed oil is used in cooking, preparing fish and marinades for meat, tucking them salads, as well as adding it to baked goods. However, it is recommended to use it in raw form, as after heat treatment it lost most of its nutritional properties.

This oil well into the skin when it is used for massage. It can be combined with other oils such as avocado and jojoba to reduce cellulite and improve skin elasticity.

Useful properties of grape seed oil

Also, it is used to improve the condition of hair, protect against breakage, restoring their elasticity and shine, nutrition and hydration. So often grapeseed oil can be found in the composition of balms, shampoos and masks. However, if your agent for hair care do not have such a component, you can manually add the 2/1 tsp this oil.

This natural product is great for skin care as it contains large amounts of vitamins, helps to regenerate skin, eliminate its peeling and dryness. For oily and problem skin grapeseed oil - just a godsend because it can reduce the shine, various rashes on the face, narrow pores. At the same time it provides her the perfect moisturizing.

Grape seed oil is widely used in cosmetics and medicine.

Enough oil is quickly absorbed, does not clog pores, tones and refreshes the skin, improves its elasticity and firmness, as well as smoothing wrinkles. With regular use of this oil for face, your skin will be soft, smooth and even, acquire a well-groomed and healthy.

Tags: oil, bone, property