Modern means of smoking

Modern means of smoking
 Smoking - one of the greatest problems of humanity. Despite the fact that each year hundreds of thousands of people die from diseases that are the consequences of this bad habit, a great number of men, women and even teenagers can not part with a cigarette. Meanwhile, there is a modernized tools that can help in the fight against smoking and relieve nicotine withdrawal.

For example, it is very popular with the cessation nicotine patch. This label, which when applied to the skin, provides a human body in a certain amount of nicotine. Course, assuming no smoking using the patch, usually takes about 6 weeks. First, use a "strong" patches containing more nicotine, and then, gradually, the patient goes to the patches in which the nicotine content less. It is also recommended to increase the periods between the plaster sticking to reduce psychological dependence. Nicotine patches are available at any pharmacy, inexpensive, invisible under clothes, they can be used for almost everyone.

In the same way - delivering nicotine into the bloodstream without the mediation of smoking, and operates a nasal spray or oral cavity. It is suited for smokers having a very pronounced withdrawal: nicotine, a spray is injected through the nose into the blood at the same speed as that during smoking. Heavy smokers are beginning to use spray with at least 8 doses per day (maximum - 40), and then gradually reduce the amount of funds. Spray treatment should not exceed 6 weeks.

Replacing cigarettes is nicotine gum. Chew it must be when you want to smoke. Chewing gum contains a small amount of nicotine, so a heavy smoker will certainly feel his lack of which, however, will eventually decrease. Action the cud felt 7 minutes after the start of use and extends approximately 30 minutes. Per day can be used up to 24 gum, and recommended to continue the treatment for 3 months. Slight drawback nicotine gum is its specific taste, and in addition, in some it causes dizziness or nausea.

In recent years, the popularity of electronic cigarettes become. This device resembling an inhaler on its principle. It consists of a cartridge, battery, aromayzera and an ultrasonic nebulizer, which raskalivaetsya and produces a dense vapor that looks like tobacco smoke. The toner cartridges contain propylene glycol, glycerine, flavors and nicotine. On the content of nicotine cartridges are different, they can be both super-strong (for the first stage of the anti-smoking), and does beznikotinovye. Flavored cartridges may be the smell of coffee, apple, mint, etc..d. The electronic cigarette allows the smoker to control and psychological and physical dependence. Designed to replace conventional cigarette, electronic cigarette provides the usual puff, exhaled smoke, tactile sensation in your hand and a cigarette in his mouth. This tool has become so popular and used that tobacco companies started a real information warfare, the prohibition of manufacture of electronic cigarettes.

Quit Smoking Today is also using acupuncture. According to this method, smoking - acquired reflex to get rid of that, you need to work on certain points of the body, while acupuncture programming destroys reflex smoker. Furthermore, acupuncture relieves dependency on nicotine exposure via specific receptors - produced during the treatment of endogenous bioactive substances that act on the body like nicotine. Before you begin the procedure, you must not smoke for 4-5 hours. Treatment usually lasts 5-14 days, and experts in the field say that its efficiency reaches 90%.

Easy and affordable way to combat smoking are also tablets (Tabeks, Zyban). After receiving a certain number means nicotine in the body is replaced by another substance, such as cytisine. The patient in this case there is a persistent repulsion for smoking. Unfortunately, easily quit smoking with the help of pills, a person is often also just returned to the bad habit, convinced that at any moment will be able to quit smoking again.

Well, as you can see, the arsenal of modern anti-smoking is very wide. In addition, a good help in this matter would be for you to book, public service announcements and former smokers forums on the Internet. Choose a "helper" suitable for you and stop smoking!

Tags: means, smoker, cigarette, chewing gum, smoking, fighting, patch