Menstrual cycle - Calendar Women's health

Menstrual cycle - Calendar Women's health
 Mood and behavior of women is largely influenced by the menstrual cycle. In this case, the different phases of the menstrual cycle affect women's health in many ways. Based on this, you can create a special calendar showing that the female body is going through at any given day of the cycle.

1-3 days of the menstrual cycle

Before the onset of menstruation in a woman's body for 3 weeks preparing to attack a possible pregnancy. All the while, the body actively produces hormones progesterone. If fertilization has occurred, the progesterone level drops. Stead body begins to produce special substances - prostaglandins that trigger onset of menstruation.

At this time, most women experience discomfort:

- Uterine contractions cause aching pain in the lower abdomen.

- Prostaglandins constrict vessels, because of which may cause headaches. To avoid this, it is desirable to eliminate from the diet products that can enhance the action of prostaglandins. This meat broth, chocolate, coffee and tea.

- Prostaglandins can also cause indigestion. In this case, a special diet or help activated charcoal method.

Sex in a given period, it is desirable to exclude: it is probable discharge of menstrual blood in the abdominal cavity, which can cause endometriosis. Women suffering from painful menstruation, is not recommended to constantly lie - this tone of the uterus and decrease pain gets too bad.

4-6 days of the menstrual cycle

Bleeding is being phased out, but the level of prostaglandins still high, so a woman may experience discomfort. The mood is also gradually improving.

7-11 days of the menstrual cycle

At this time, the physical and emotional condition of the woman are at a high level. Increased libido and quality of orgasm. This period is the most safe to have sex without protection. It is also an excellent time for routine visits to the gynecologist. To restore the level of hemoglobin after blood loss, it is desirable to include in the menu iron-rich foods: beef, buckwheat, apples.

12-15 days of the menstrual cycle

Increased androgen levels, making passionate woman. Sharpens memory, increases resistance to stress and endurance. These days are the most favorable for conception.

16-28 days of the menstrual cycle

Most women suffer from excessive sweating and gassing, breast swelling and puffiness. Some women may increase weight (about six pounds), appear back pain and nausea. Affected and the emotional sphere: often changes the mood.

During this period, tea and coffee, it is desirable to replace the diuretic herbal infusions. Recommended excluded from the diet spicy, fatty and fried foods, as it enhances the action of prostaglandins. You can boost your mood with the help of a contrast shower and aromatherapy.

Tags: calendar, phase, loin, menstruation cycle