How to restore the skin after quitting

How to restore the skin after quitting
 Nicotine poisoning the entire body, which leads to darkening of the skin and premature aging. After quitting restore health and appearance can refresh, if you hold the cleaning procedure.
 Accelerate cleansing the body of toxins and nicotine. To do this, start to eat as much fruit, vegetables, and take vitamin and antioxidant complexes. Try not to eat fatty and fried foods, because they slow down the metabolism, which has a negative impact on the skin. Also go to treatment mucolytic drugs that will lead from the lung toxins and mucus.

Several times a week in the sauna or steam bath. If you do not have abnormalities in the cardiovascular system - partes birch twigs. Since then out toxins, which leads to improvement in skin color. Honey is put on the body, a cosmetic mask or clay which possess antioxidant properties. After heat treatments take douches to give tone.

Strengthen the process of skin regeneration will help scrubs and acid peels. Visit beautician or buy line of care products at home. Pay special attention to the size of the abrasive particles - they must be small and not sharp. Handle means skin once a week, after apply the cream to collagen, which recovers elasticity.

Drink plenty of fluids if you have normal kidneys work. If there are any deviations brew urological collection and take what is written in the abstract. Do not forget to consult your doctor. Water will flush out nicotine and nourish skin cells with moisture.

Visit the gym or the pool. Active sessions not only help heal the body, but also to refresh the skin color. If you do not have much time, just make small jog in the morning or do exercises. Will gradually result that notice not only you but also others!

Tags: skin color, Ambassador, smoking, yellowness