How to improve brain activity

How to improve brain activity
 The brain is the organ of the central nervous system. And, despite the fact that it controls the whole body and is in communication with the environment, most of the activity is assessed by its ability to take something, store and analyze. It was only when faced with a reduction in memory or lack of attention, are beginning to take various measures to improve its performance. But to be effective, it is necessary to eliminate the factors suppressing its functionality.
 On the brain is influenced by many external and internal factors. And some of them have a depressing effect on him. For example, nerve strain leads to forgetfulness, which is a kind of a protective response to excessive stimuli. Exposure to toxic substances, pesticides, nitrates, radionuclides, bad habits and a large accumulation of toxins damage the nerve cells that make up the brain. Accordingly, to improve its performance in the first step is to eliminate all negative factors.

In order to improve brain function make your meals healthier. Included in the daily menu foods that are useful for the brain. This raw vegetables and fruits, whole grains, nuts, especially walnuts, sunflower seeds, sour one-day milk, wheat germ, olive and flaxseed oil, sea fish, honey and dried fruits. They are rich in vitamins B, C, PP, E, A, niacin, nicotinic acid, lecithin, biotin, copper, iodine, magnesium, selenium, potassium, sodium, zinc, as well as amino acids and fats with polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 . Replenish the need for them not only with food, but also the additional intake of dietary supplements. They compensate the missing micronutrients in food.

To maintain normal brain activity drink water. Dehydration leads to oxygen starvation to which the brain responds to one of the earliest. It appears drowsy, frequent yawning, heavy eyes, fatigue and headache. Not less important for the brain fresh air. In its absence, there are the same symptoms as with dehydration. So work with the open window, and in the evening, pay at least a little time walking outdoors.

In order to improve brain exercise regularly, and include exercise promotes a rush of blood to the head, namely a rack on the blades, bending, bridge and others. They improve the power cord, transporting oxygen and all necessary materials. Moreover, exercise relieves nervous stress, which in turn will benefit the work of the brain.

To keep the brain's ability to think and remember, train it by reading, crossword puzzles, watching educational programs, language learning and other things that require mental effort.

In order to improve brain activity every morning gargle with strong head thrown back. This produces the effect of massage of the brain. Do it at least 5-10 minutes. In addition to the positive effects on the central nervous system, it has other useful properties, for example, prevents inflammation of the tonsils and clears nasal passages of mucus, congestion which may in the future become a cause of reduced hearing, smell and memory impairment.

To activate the brain activity using essential oils of plants acting stimulant to the central nervous system. These include mint, rosemary, bergamot. Just add 1-2 drops of aroma lamp or a aromamedalon and within a few minutes to enjoy the pleasant aroma. Moreover, this procedure can be carried out both at home and in the workplace.

Tags: organism, substance, activity, improvement, starvation, exposure, dehydration, overexertion