Eyes front of the computer: how to maintain health

 Vision problems - the prerogative of those who have been granted to live in an era of technological progress. Our ancestors barely had an idea about dry eye syndrome or, for example, blepharitis, we also had the opportunity to learn about it in full. According to ophthalmologists, 50% of the world's population experiencing these or other eye problems, as well as over the centuries. And - alas - not everyone knows how to solve them.

Great drought

At least once in life we ​​all noticed that after a day spent at the computer screen, your eyes feel extremely uncomfortable. Itching, burning, proteins blush, and the eyelids are closed just from fatigue. All these feelings are obvious symptoms of the disease called "dry eye syndrome", and if one is not paying attention to them, then can deliver a lot of trouble.

The culprit of the disease appears, by the way, not just a computer - a contribution is made and conditioned air is too dry, and dust on the street, and even unbalanced diet, leading to a lack of vitamins in the body. If all of these factors alone may not be sufficient for the development of dry eye, so they act together thus adversely.

Unfortunately, the constant radiation computer monitors lead not only to dry eye syndrome. Those who spend at the screen for more than 8 hours a day are much more likely to become a victim of blepharitis - inflammatory diseases of age.

Their symptoms rather disappointing, at first you feel itching and constant eye fatigue, then eyelids redden and swell, but it later along the ciliary edge may appear small flakes like dandruff.

Needless to say, that not only blepharitis cause a lot of discomfort, but also adversely affect the visual attractiveness. Even the best eye makeup does not help the situation, the more so in this disease to paint eyes and is not recommended.

Subzero temperature

Decreased visual acuity - another very common problem which, according to experts, can face each of us. Even children too addicted to computer games, are at risk, and that really there to talk about office workers!

The main problem of the perception of our eyes from the monitor information is that the image consists of many individual dots continuously flickering. Meanwhile, the human eye is adapted to bad perception of this kind of texts and images.

 If continuous lines on the paper, we read "easily", the recognition information to monitor our eyes need to spend much more effort. The result is constant over voltage, malfunctions occur and as a result, vision begins to steadily decline.

First aid

All fields marked problems have solutions, the main thing - do not let them "take its course." Ophthalmologists have long developed a lot of suggestions on how to avoid and dry eye syndrome, and reduced visual acuity, and blepharitis. Say even more - all these recommendations, we are well known, but many follow them for some reason not in a hurry.

Mode. Of course, ideally, the computer should be no more than 4-5 hours a day, but in the present conditions it is not always possible. In this case, try to do at least 10-minute breaks every hour of work.

If possible, move to fresh air or just to look out the window. The eyes are very tired? Blink 20-30 seconds, paint with pupils in the air "eight", leaving the head still.

These simple exercises will help you feel better. In extreme cases, please have the drugs artificial tears - they do not treat dry eye syndrome, but effectively relieve fatigue and sore eyes.

Nutrition. Yes, what you eat is not only reflected in the figure, but also on the eyes. For disease prevention and reduction of the age is necessary to enrich your diet products with vitamins A, B2, E, C.

Useful curd containing calcium, lean meat and fish, blueberries and other fresh berries. In the cold season, when vitamin deficiency is becoming a familiar phenomenon, drink special vitamin and mineral complexes - they will help to stay in shape even in the harshest winter.

Hygiene. According to statistics, women are more likely to suffer from diseases of age than men, and this is due to the exceptionally hygienic issues.

When applying make-up you will inevitably contact with eyelids and eyelashes, so that if there is on your fingers or a brush cosmetic bacteria, increases the risk of infection delicate eye area.

To avoid this from happening, do not forget at least once a week to wash all the brushes and sponzhiki with warm soapy water, do not unnecessarily touch the eyes with his hands, do not use someone else's shadow or mascara.

In addition, experts recommend a daily basis to carry out hygiene century - to do a light massage and apply blefarogeli the evenings do not forget the warm compress with blefarolosonom or self decoction of herbs (chamomile, witch hazel, etc.). All these procedures will take you from the power of about 10 minutes, well, bring invaluable benefit.

With mustaches
When the disease can be managed independently, and when you need to run an ophthalmologist? In general, appeal to the specialist does not hurt in any way.

However, if a burning sensation in the eye and redness occur only from time to time, and then, after many hours in front of the monitor, you can do on their own. Memorize all the above advice and try to strictly comply with them, paying particular attention to hygiene century.

Even if you are very tired and fall down, do not skimp on nightly rituals - your eyes will tell you "thank you".

In those cases, when the eyelids constantly look swollen, reddened, itching persists or vision slowly but steadily declining, go to an appointment with an ophthalmologist is necessary, and the sooner you do, the better. You know, to treat the disease have professionals, you better do to prevent them.

Tags: computer, health, protein, complex