Cleaning the body - a tribute to youth and beauty

Cleaning the body - a tribute to youth and beauty
 If chronic illness began to show frequent exacerbations, and common cold easily flows into heavy bronchitis or pneumonia, then there is reason to think about cleaning the body. Regular carrying out cleaning procedures eliminate the stagnation, toxins.

To clean the body can use different methods - fasting, fasting days, special drugs to speed up metabolism and intestinal cleansing, taking laxatives courses, etc. All radical purification systems give almost instant effect - improves the function of the intestines, stimulates blood circulation and limfootok, removes toxic substances and wastes.

Gentle Cleansing affected by changes of diet, adding it products with antioxidant effects. These products include stimulating digestion vegetables and fruits. The beneficial effects of prunes and beet is small laxative effect - from the body are derived fecal stones and other substances that can clog the intestine and hinder its activities.

The easiest way to clean the intestines and run recovery mechanisms using conventional apples. Extremely useful fruit helps to rejuvenate the body, get rid of digestive problems, is the source of many vitamins. Even an apple a day is enough to reduce the risk of many diseases. Cleaning and apple diet fasting days are among the most effective methods of losing weight.

Improve the filtering and excretory organs, which "have to" detain harmful substances, you can use a diuretic and choleretic agent. Special herbal teas, herbal extracts and medicines improve the functioning of the kidneys and liver, promote cleansing. Use of carrots and beets not only enriches the body vitamins and excretory function of the kidneys regulates, affects the bladder and liver tissue. Optimization of carbohydrate metabolism enables the body to get rid of fat stores, and increased urination removes excess water, eliminating swelling in tissues and organs, including the hidden ones.

Cleanse the body must constantly because every day people (often unknowingly) consume substandard products, preservatives and harmful food additives. Find eco-friendly products in our time is difficult, and the cost is so high that not everyone can afford this food. Correction of the diet, the addition of food grains, vegetables, fruits, plenty of fluids will help support the body and prevent it from excessive pollution.

Tags: body, beauty, youth, cleaning, tribute