Cigarette and woman are not compatible?

Cigarette and woman are not compatible?
 Addiction and the effects of nicotine addiction does not make a choice between men and women - smoking is equally harmful for everyone. Smoking woman paying for your weakness rapid aging, gynecological problems, mental and emotional instability.

Smoking changes the complexion - the skin becomes dull, grayish or yellowish tinge, there is a noticeable rosacea. This happens because in tobacco toxins into the blood or reach skin cells, disrupting blood flow and reducing the production of collagen. As a result, the face covered with small wrinkles, veils become dry and dehydrated. Poor circulation "thins" the tissue, making them vulnerable to external factors. Tobacco smoke is deposited on the pores during the day, their clogs and hinders oxygen exchange.

Cigarettes affect women's health - women who smoke before aging is not only the skin, face and body. Menopause can occur not in 45-50 years, but much earlier. Static data showed that the risk of infertility and problems with childbearing women addicted to smoking are much higher. Young girls have a problem with a regular cycle - periods become too frequent or rare, the whole process is painful and in violation of the general well-being. Effect of smoking on sexual libido diminishes the quality of life and leads to problems of a personal nature.

Many women smokers are motivated his refusal to quit addiction fear of getting fat. This is a common misconception is quite real basis - indeed, quit smoking, people at first carefully drowns habit "thumb" something in his mouth. He eats a lot, always something to chew, "seizing" his desire to smoke. Nicotine really enhances metabolism and body needs some time to rebuild - it is in a transition period occurs weight gain. Replacing snacks physical activity, you will quickly gain graceful forms and significantly improve their immune status.

Smokers ladies often suffer from their own imperfection - realizing the harm of cigarettes, they begin to blame themselves for lack of willpower and the inability to give up the habit. They are often "covered" depressed mood is dominated by negative emotions.

Quit smoking, a woman gets a chance to live a full life without experiencing mental discomfort, be healthy and maintain its attractiveness as long as possible.

Tags: body, woman, cigarette exposure