How to remove under-eye circles

How to remove under-eye circles
Dark circles under the eyes spoil the appearance of the face, giving it a kind of painful. The reasons that lead to this trouble a lot. This can cause illness as a simple lack of sleep, and any disease.
Before you start to get rid of this phenomenon, it is necessary to find out the cause and try to fix it. Most often, circles under the eyes occur due to chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, regular mental overexertion. They can also occur due to anatomical features, when the skin around the eyes is very light and thin; due to circulatory disorders, smoking, alcohol abuse. Dark circles under the eyes can appear as a result of kidney, liver, gall bladder, or hearts. Rather, this phenomenon rarely occurs because of allergic reactions to cosmetic products.

To properly diagnose the cause, seek medical advice. The doctor will do an exam and prescribe appropriate treatment. In some cases, to get rid of this disease, just rest and sleep are also useful walking outdoors. You can also use traditional medicines.

When you see circles use this simple way. During the day, often Wash your face with cool water, and before going to bed make a lotion made from fresh cucumber. Cut into thin plates and attach to your eyes for 15 minutes.

Grind grated one potato tuber and add weight tablespoon of sour cream. Mix thoroughly and apply makeup on the eyes. Duration of procedure 20 minutes, then rinse off the mask with warm water.

You can cook the cream. Grind into mush two walnut kernels, add to them 30 grams of fresh butter and a teaspoon of lemon juice or cranberry. Apply the cream to the problem area for 15-20 minutes. Tool store in the refrigerator.

Excellent tones the skin around the eyes daily massage. Use your fingertips to make light Tapping movements in the direction of the temple to the lower eyelid and nose. Do not massage the eyelid rather not to overtax the eyeball.

Tags:eye, circle, dark, appearance, treatment, reason