Set yourself that you can easily cope with the apathy that this is a temporary condition - your personal choice. Apathy may be a signal that you have chosen the wrong path, you need to change something in their lives.
Go in with its surroundings. Things that surround you, to inspire you and bring joy. Free your home and work place of the old stuff. Once you decide what is worthy to be around you.
Try to understand yourself. Throw your thoughts on paper. Just start writing whatever comes to mind. Analyze your recording in a few days. Among them you will surely be able to understand emerging aspirations and desires.
When you realize what you want, start slowly plan achieve their goals. Apathy arises from the lack of movement in the implementation of desires. Even if now you are ready to act, planning brings you closer to your dreams.
You can inspire and motivate action books and movies. Your brain and the soul needs a recharge. Fill them with a positive image.
Make an effort and take a walk. Even a little physical activity is very beneficial effect on your state in this period, as well as good food. Include in your diet more vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts. So you charge the body with energy and will attach him strength. In no case do not drink alcohol and nicotine. These agents are depressants and inhibit the nervous system.
Apathy can occur not only due to psychological problems. Perhaps your body gives you the signal of exhaustion. Listen to him. Take care of it and relax.