5 ways to avoid varicose veins

 According to statistics, the average age of women who have experienced all the "horrors" of varicose veins, equal to 35 years. Doctors claim that the predisposition to the disease can be transmitted at the genetic level. Therefore, every woman, it is important to know a few ways to help prevent varicose veins.

Hormone therapy is not!

Female hormones, called estrogen, have a major impact on the veins. Any hormonal abnormalities in women can lead to varicose veins. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to wear special stockings and socks, which create physiological pressure on the veins, the most improving blood flow. In addition, the fair sex, who have a predisposition to varicose disease, should abandon hormonal preparations.

Sit properly

The blood circulate freely through the veins, can not sit, legs crossed or folded them. It is better to sit in such a way that the feet were at the level of the body. You should not constantly put on his knees child or put a heavy bag. With a long stay in the "sitting" is required every half an hour to get up, stretch their legs and feet do gymnastics.

Water against varicose veins

As a rule, swimmers less likely to become varicose. The constant movement of feet in the water improves blood circulation. It is recommended to visit the pool daily, gidroaerobiku, relax by the water, swim or go on vacation at sea. Useful for veins and clean drinking water, which thins the blood and improves metabolism.

Vitamins - the best friend of veins

To strengthen the walls of veins, making them strong and resilient should eat more fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins E, C, PP. You should definitely eat foods that contain copper, which prevents the formation of varices.


This is perhaps the easiest way to avoid varicose veins. Walking helps to normalize blood circulation. Experts recommend walking at least 45 minutes a day.

So, do not be afraid of varicose veins. It is only necessary in time to prevent the appearance of this disease. Observing the five rules, you can save your legs in excellent condition for many years!

Tags: varicose veins, the way extension, Vienna