The hazards of smoking for women

The hazards of smoking for women
 The fact that smoking is injurious to health, many people know, but the huge number of people belong to their addiction, unaware of what it can be fatal in fact for their body. Especially harmful smoking is for women who smoke often as men, and the consequences for their health by poisoning the body of tobacco and nicotine are quite serious.

Everyone starting to smoke, faces resistance organism that feels foreign substances and reacts to tobacco nausea and dizziness. The more often a person smokes, the more the body becomes accustomed to tobacco, and the stronger the relationship is formed. The longer a woman smokes, the faster it can be noted that cigarettes do not deliver the usual pleasure and health begins to fail - smokers are constantly experiencing shortness of breath, their torments morning cough, voice ports, becoming hoarse, low and husky.

Long-term smoking has a negative impact on the appearance of a woman - Ports and yellow enamel, yellow nails, skin condition is getting worse - it turns gray and sag, losing elasticity and firmness. Smoking causes a fatal breath, which repels female companions. Smoking girl looks much older than his peers - her body is unable to cope with the poisoning, which affects the appearance.

Such consequences await all smokers, regardless of whether they smoke regular cigarettes or prefer "lite". The so-called "light" cigarettes are not healthier usual - a detrimental effect on the body is in any case, even if you think that smoking cigarettes safe. Quit smoking after the body has formed a physical dependence on nicotine, very difficult, and for this useless switch to cigarettes with lower nicotine content - the body will require the usual dose, which means that you will be an increased amount of smoke "light" cigarettes.

Smoking is harmful to women and from a psychological point of view - many women smoke to escape from the problems and relax, and as a result, they are unable on their own to cope with stress. Smoking negatively affects the internal organs, in particular the reproductive system of women and many young girls because of addiction to cigarettes suffer from infertility.

Smoking during pregnancy and while she may provoke a child congenital abnormalities and mutations, and many children of smoking mothers are born sick and premature babies. Among smokers become a common feature of miscarriage.

Tags: abstract, health, woman, smoking, harmful