Proper shoes and posture

Proper shoes and posture
 Correctly matched shoes allows you to distribute the center of gravity when walking posture to maintain the beauty and health of the spine. Shoes for weekends and holidays are not suitable for everyday wear.  
 High heels significantly lengthen the legs and forced the woman to walk with your back straight, stomach sucked. For special occasions better option simply does not exist. But for long-term wear, the reverse effect. The center of gravity of the whole body is focused at a certain point, the load is distributed not physiological. Spring function of the foot is completely disconnected. Each step is given a heavy blow to the spine. The result is obvious: herniated departments, low back pain - these diseases are often accompanied by lovers of high heels. None of what a beautiful posture of speech in this case can not be.

Shoes for everyday wear heels should be no more than 2-4 cm. High heels can be worn for 2-3 hours, then allow time to rest feet and spine pereobuvshis in comfortable shoes. Casual shoes to buy arch supports to the load is distributed on the whole foot and allow spring functions operate at full capacity.

Winter boots or shoes with thick soles choose to tread, non-slip. If during the cold season shoes slip, this causes the spine to keep in constant tension that the most negative impact on his health.

The platform is no less dangerous and harmful to the bearing. Ligaments and muscles of the foot completely inactive, the primary function of the foot is to create a cushioning effect, and spring. When walking on the platform of this function is completely lost. Systematic toe platform leads to the same problems as the high heel.

Footwear for sport should have a rigid heel and flexible sole. Also, try to pick up lightweight sneaker that movements were not hampered.

Only comfortable, convenient and properly matched shoes will help preserve the health of the spine and good posture. You will be much less tired during the long walk.

Tags: posture, shoes