How to reduce hot flashes

How to reduce hot flashes
 The fairer sex with fear and excitement waiting for this life-changing and not fer, and when it will end. We are talking about menopause and its inevitable fellow traveler so-called tides.  
 As a rule, the beginning of the tides is characterized by a feeling of heat that occurs on the face, neck, chest, as if the body temperature jumps sharply. Then comes the turn of the other "charms": a woman heavily sweating, blushing, lacks air and dizziness, after which it can shiver.

 How to get rid of the pain and reduce the intensity of hot flushes women? Experts recommend, first of all, change your diet to include more vegetables as much as possible (it is believed that the supporters of vegetarianism is much less susceptible to the tides). It is known that plant foods contain phytosterols, substances that in their structure resemble the hormones produced by our bodies, and work on their image and likeness.

In addition, fresh vegetables - a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and substances with antioxidant, immunomodulatory properties. A large number of coarse fibers contained in them, can not only stimulate the body's digestive function, but also save him from hostile hormones and other toxic aliens outside.

Positive effect on the female body, which is in mode of menopause, also have herbs (such as black cohosh), herbal preparations on the basis of Vitex sacred, homeopathic remedies (Sepia, Pulsatilla, Lachesis) helps some pollen (one teaspoon of water washed down 10-15 minutes before breakfast) or sedatives drops (valerian, motherwort).

 In addition, to reduce the impact of tides, should follow a few rules. For example, as little as possible to pour a cup of coffee and as often as possible - green tea, because that's what it is filled with vitamins and minerals that are very useful to you in menopause. This drink also has diuretic properties and is able to free your body of toxins (of course, if you drink 2-3 cups of tea).

 Do not forget that the cause of the tide can serve hot meal, hot tub or sauna, and enhance the ability to provoke him spicy food and alcoholic beverages. In addition, the most intense tides exposed female smokers, while they carry them much harder. Of this bad habit to get rid (better - forever). Also, do not overheat your body. Try to give preference to clothes that felt the beginning of the tide, can be easily removed (jacket, for example).

 And another thing: do not fight with what is inevitable. Attempts to control the tides would only worsen your condition. It would be better if the approach "wave" you put your case, sit down and relax and let the tide faster ride on your body and disappear.

Tags: health, menopause