Desire as long as possible to save a young brain is more and more scientists study aimed at understanding the function of the brain and causes its aging.
As you know, the brain is still little studied, and the findings of scientists at times contradictory.
Then a message appears stating that the bow or some berries help keep us young brain or restore some of its functions, the sensational claim that vitamin D may extend the mental activity, it was reported that since childhood bilingualism is the reason why longer maintain brain young .
In this variety of tips can be identified quite logical and clear conclusions.
There is no doubt that the main reason that may impede the activity of the brain with age is a progressive circulatory failure. It is caused by various cardiovascular diseases. Poor circulation, is known to cause decline in brain power necessary nutrients and oxygen.
To prevent disease need to follow the advice that each of us knows, but, unfortunately, are often violated. Need to lead a healthy lifestyle, not smoking, adhere to the principles of healthy eating, especially with age (it is desirable to control the use of or eliminated fatty foods). Necessary to maintain physical activity, to monitor the content of sugar in the blood, and be sure to control the level of pressure.
All these truths we hear from childhood, but, as we know, often do not follow them, and many bethink only when the situation starts to deteriorate. But just because it would prevent detrimental changes!
In addition to a healthy lifestyle that keeps the brain young longer, you need to train him, like any other organ. There is a statistic that says that the people of intellectual work or doing a lot longer there is a high rate of reaction of the brain, and they are to a great age develop their intellectual potential.
The brain also needs food, it needs to be constantly busy working, mental activity, otherwise it begins to "fill" from lack of demand for their functions