To stimulate the metabolism, try to move more. If you sit a lot, any stagnation in the body can cause malfunction of organs and the exchange of fluids. More you walk, play sports, swim, dance, etc.
If you have a good transfer of heat treatments, then visit the bath or sauna - under the influence of hot steam opens the pores, increases the activity of the sebaceous glands, increased perspiration and excess fluid removed from the body.
Take a different diuretic infusions: broth hips, herbal teas, green tea, pharmacy charges, etc. Excellent displays fluid infusion bearberry - leaves of the plant should be boiled for half an hour and take three times a day. You can drink birch sap, or prepare an infusion of the leaves of birch (2 teaspoons per cup of boiling water leave for 30 minutes), apple tea.
Effective means of edema is parsley, so add it to the first courses, salads, dried herbs, use as a seasoning, etc. In summer you can arrange a "watermelon" days - for one day only eat watermelon, it is an excellent prevention of edema and kidney cleansing. Kneipp help to bring water from the body and get rid of local edema (for example, in the area of the ankle) - take a bath, use a massage shower heads, etc.
Medicinal diuretics should be taken only on doctor's advice, since many of them have a number of side effects and is not approved for use in the presence of renal disease.