Birth control and low-alcohol beverages

Birth control and low-alcohol beverages
 Women who prefer oral contraception, once asked the following question: is compatible with weak reception OK alcoholic beverages. It is known that alcohol has an effect not only on the effect of birth control pills, but also the liver, which can lead to complications in the work of the female body.  
 Perhaps even an expert can not unequivocally and clearly answer this question. Unequivocally that Dr. alcohol and does not advise to use, and even more so during the course of treatment with any drugs. But, nevertheless, given the fact that contraceptive drug in the literal sense does not include, doctors do not make a categorical ban on its co-administration with a small amount of alcohol. But always stipulated that it should be and it is not often in small amounts. Otherwise far to complications.

What is the face of women the joint use of OC and alcohol? First of all, this loss of efficiency OK. Alcohol in small doses on the contraceptive effect may not be affected, but exceeding the limit of alcohol can further reduce the effectiveness of the drug. This is especially true at the beginning of the use of funds, when the body is still getting used to it. During this period, when the use of alcohol as an additional protection, the use of mechanical means of contraception.

Nor can we lose sight of, and the negative impact of alcohol on the liver, because with regular use of alcohol in conjunction with contraceptives increase the risk of hepatotoxic effects. Although manufacturers of contraceptives and celebrate their minimum damage at regular combination with alcohol the risk of hepatotoxic effect is increased significantly.

Thus, even low-alcohol beverages in small doses, drink regularly (for example, a bottle of beer every evening), in combination with contraceptives could be a catalyst for violations of liver function. Furthermore, it should also take into account the fact that some people have these disorders may develop over the years, but for others need only a few months or weeks.

We must understand that even all the necessary examinations, which is a woman before the appointment of a contraceptive, are not able to identify the hereditary weakness of the liver. It is often implicit and can be a long time not to know about yourself as a contraceptive combination with alcohol did not provoke it.

Tags: alcohol, drink, eye