As always remain calm

As always remain calm
 Actively interacting with the outside world, it is difficult to always stay calm, because there are so many irritants. Impatience, anger and irritability can cause you a lot of damage, they oppress the soul, and to destroy the body, adversely affect the family and career. Therefore, you must learn to remain calm and serene in any situation.  
 Never dramatize. If you fail to pass the annual report, it does not mean that the world would end before the promised time, the world will collapse and everyone will die. It just means that you do not have time to hand over the report. This is compared with the end of the world looks much less of a problem. Instead of moaning about their miserable fate and tear your hair, enjoy a business or one compelling reason, which also got to this report.

 Do not rush to complain to friends or write a blog about your annoying situation. You have to forget and think about how you got nasty in the tram, but caring friends for a few days will be to comfort and give advice on how you can repartee abuser, and you will return again and again to this situation.

Determine the contributing factors, the presence of which you often lose your temper. Perhaps you become irritable when hungry, you depresses noise, you can not control your emotions when you do not get enough sleep, or become tearful at sunset. Just try to avoid such situations, do not delay in unpleasant place for you, keep a healthy lifestyle, eat and get enough sleep. And sunsets try to meet with loved ones.

Always carry a small notebook and write there pleasant moments. "I'm sitting on a bench in the sun and waiting for her sister," "Lunchtime ate pistachio ice cream - very tasty", "Daughter in kindergarten painted my portrait." When you begin to feel that the whole world is against you, turning the pages of a notebook.

Allow yourself to be alone with yourself, relax, light aroma lamp, listen to your favorite music. If you feel that in your apartment no corner where you can at least five minutes to sit in silence, take the necessary things and go relax in the bathroom.

Lack of certain vitamins and minerals, various diseases can manifest including through increased irritability. If you think that this behavior is not typical for you, anger and incontinence appeared not so long ago - see your doctor and check the body.

Tags: tranquility