Without nicotine cigarettes: get rid of the harmful effects of smoking

Without nicotine cigarettes: get rid of the harmful effects of smoking
 Smoking is harmful and dangerous to the health of habit. And suffer not only the smoker, but also people who live with him and around him. Abandon addiction help beznikotinovye cigarettes.

Without nicotine cigarettes: what is it and where?

The decision to quit is given to man is not easy. This action is a habit, addiction, to "help" in many situations: the nervous stress, doing nothing, while you wait, and so on. The cigarette becomes a faithful friend and helper, the harm of which eventually ceases to seem serious.

Many smokers are paying attention to the fact that the most difficult thing to overcome psychological dependence on cigarettes. Not so much the body requires nicotine and harmful substances (even with high seniority) as hands reach to perform usual activities. Faithful companion for you and your loved ones in this case will beznikotinovye cigarettes.

Forget about smoking dreams of many people. Particularly acute this issue is faced with the girls. After all, cigarettes are not in a positive way affect the appearance, health and chances of getting pregnant.

Without nicotine cigarettes are not a modern development. Their homeland is considered Ancient India. They are extensively used in Ayurvedic teachings.

Until now, Indian beznikotinovye cigarettes are the leaders in this segment. Today the "cigarettes" became more civilized, the packaging, the name - "nirdosh". However, the composition has remained the same, that many years ago.

Cigarettes from India are made from high quality herbs: cloves, basil, turmeric, licorice, cinnamon and others. In total there are several types, where a combination of plant elements vary. Deciding to try a nicotine product, you will be able to choose the part of your own.

Recently, the domestic market has an analogue Indian cigarettes, created by the Russian producer. They are called "Meadowsweet" and positioned as not smoking article, and "sticks flavoring herbs." Without nicotine cigarettes have data corresponding to part of the area. In "meadowsweet" includes: motherwort, thyme, yarrow, St. John's wort, oregano, plantain, mint, eucalyptus, and so on.

There are also Ukrainian Without nicotine cigarettes "Profit". Their composition is similar to "meadowsweet", so they are ideal for the people of Russia. More exotic filling can be found in foreign products.

Without nicotine cigarettes are available in electronic format. However, unlike disposable herbal products, this product may contain nicotine in an amount of 1 mg. Moreover, this gadget is safer for you and others, than conventional products from tobacco companies.

How to Use Without nicotine cigarettes

At first glance, everything seems very simple. If it is a cigarette, they just need to light and smoke instead of the usual. However, manufacturers of herbal product consumers are asking more attentively to its use.

With a mild desire to smoke simply grab a non-nicotine cigarette. It is not necessary to light it and use it for other purposes. Keep it to her mouth and hands air, simulating the process of smoking.

If smoking is "really" in the early stages of failure you need, feel free to light a cigarette. It is safer as usual for your health and for the environment. However, keep in mind: although nicotine in the product does not contain, but in the process of burning grass content will produce harmful carcinogens and tar. If possible, do not "swallow" the smoke, and just fill them mouth.

 Note: herbs contained in the non-nicotine products, will help normalize your psychological state. This will enable faster quit smoking, staying calm, balanced girl. For example, "Meadowsweet" has seven species, among which are particularly useful "anti-stress", "tone", "to reduce appetite" (with or without mint).

Some girls do not dare to quit smoking, because very afraid of stout. In this case, Without nicotine cigarettes from the series "to reduce appetite" will become a real lifesaver.

Are there beznikotinovye cigarettes?

Without nicotine cigarettes will be your loyal assistant to help in the fight against smoking. In this case the products are practically harmless, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and is not addictive. If you like the ritual itself and the process of smoking, but you are not willing to continue to spoil their health Without nicotine cigarettes will help you gradually get rid of dependence.

Without nicotine cigarettes: get rid of the harmful effects of smoking

Should act as follows. First, type in the number of smoking-nicotine cigarettes a day. Gradually increase the number, abandoning conventional tobacco products. This will help remove nicotine dependence.

When fully switch to herbal cigarettes, begin to reduce their number. Periodically try to apply the recommendations of the manufacturer: without lighting, breathe air into itself. Gradually, your psychological dependence disappears, and you completely quit smoking.

Be careful: Without nicotine cigarettes have their contraindications. They are, as usual, can not be used during pregnancy, lactation and cardiovascular diseases. Also, do not recommend the use of products children under the age of majority.

Tags: cigarette, nicotine, smoking, harmful