Useful properties of cocoa beans

Useful properties of cocoa beans
 Cocoa beans - the seeds of the fruit "chocolate tree" of the family Malvaceae. The birthplace of cocoa trees (Theobromacacao) is South America, but now they are engaged in the cultivation of subequatorial country. Cocoa beans are used for the production of cocoa butter, which is the main component when preparing chocolate, as well as used in medicine and cosmetics.
 Kernel raw fermented cocoa beans contain the following vitamins and minerals:

- Beta-carotene;
- Vitamin B1;
- Vitamin B2;
- Vitamin PP;
- Theobromine;
- Caffeine;
- Potassium;
- Phosphorus;
- Sulfur;
- Magnesium;
- Cl;
- Calcium;
- Sodium;
- Copper;
- Molybdenum;
- Zinc;
- Cobalt;
- Manganese;
- Iron;
- Organic acids;
- Tannin;
- Saccharides and polysaccharides;
- Plant proteins;
- Fitosteariny;
- Polyphenols;
- Epikatetsin;
- Histamine;
- Dopamine;
- Serotonin;
- Arginine;
- Anandamide;
- Tryptophan;
- Phenylethylamine;
- Tyramine
- Kokohil.

Production of cocoa beans

Before the production of chocolate is doing a great job for the selection of suitable raw materials - living cocoa beans. They are imported from tropical countries where they grow "chocolate" trees in the shade of coconut palms, banana, mango and other trees.

Cacao trees can not tolerate direct sunlight, they need a hot and humid climate evergreen rainforest.

Work on the production of cocoa beans in these countries is done manually. The fruits are cut with machetes, have pulled out the seeds with pulp and dumped in pits lined with banana leaves. In the pits, or in wooden boxes is fermented, and then the seeds are dried on wooden or stone floor room (sometimes in kilns).

Useful properties of cocoa beans and their application

Cocoa prepared from living cocoa beans, obtained manually, not subjected to thermal and chemical treatment gives health and prolonging life. Minerals found in cocoa beans, to normalize metabolism.

Cocoa beans useful just chew them soft enough, you can grind in a coffee grinder and prepared from cocoa powder drinks or added to desserts, pastry products.

Must be purchased cocoa production of the countries in which they grow. Name of the country can be found on the package label.

Raw cocoa beans are rich in antioxidants, which are presented in these polyphenols, they prevent the development of cancer.

Natural cocoa beans are natural antidepressant therein due to the presence of substances such as tryptophan, phenylethylamine, anandamide, as well as magnesium, which maintains the level of serotonin in the blood. These substances relieve stress, give the body vigor and energy, increase efficiency and improve mental performance.

Cocoa butter from raw cocoa beans contain organic acids that contribute to the reduction of cholesterol. It is used for the treatment of atherosclerosis and reduce weight.

Properties of the oil from the raw cocoa beans to chocolate can not be transferred because of the high cost of cocoa butter in the preparation of most varieties of chocolate use cheaper oil, which, on the contrary, causes obesity.

Useful properties of cocoa beans used in cosmetics to cleanse and soften the skin, very common "chocolate wraps" scrubs peel milled cocoa beans.

Cocoa beans can prevent diabetes, myocardial infarction, stroke and cancers, due to their structure determination of epicatechin. Scientists have found in the seeds of the cacao tree kokohil substance that promotes healing and tissue repair.

Tags: cocoa, use, bean property