Treatment of chronic fatigue

Treatment of chronic fatigue
 Chronic fatigue syndrome - diagnosis that doctors put together on the basis of many of the symptoms and signs of physical and mental condition of the person. This disease affects a large number of the population due to the bad environment, nervous overload, overwork at work, lack of rest and sleep, etc.

Manifested chronic fatigue syndrome often as viral infection, there is a slight fever, sore throat, back pain, a feeling of lack of sleep, lethargy and weakness, heart pain, and headaches. There is no single symptom on which you can put this diagnosis clearly, they are considered together and only after examination of the patient makes the final decision.

Treatment is carried out comprehensively. First assigned a diet aimed at unloading and cleansing the body of toxins. The menu included protein products, a mixture of walnuts and honey in equal proportions, which should be taken before meals at least three times a day. Furthermore, the menu excluded and carbonated drinks, coffee and tea. Well prepare a mixture of one cup of lemon juice, ½ cup cranberry, sugar to taste. This juice is necessary to insist at least 8 hours, then strain, take 20 minutes before eating.

Then picked individually set of physical exercises to help relax the muscles. Very good massage helps in the treatment, a course of vitamins intravenously, most often vitamins B12, B6, B1, and others.

To strengthen the immune system and protective properties of the organism is recommended to take herbal tea. Thus, helps raspberry, dead-nettle, oats and others. For example, a glass of dry raspberry fill a thermos with three cups of boiling water and let infusions during the day. Drink a decoction three times a day for half a cup. Another good thing to prepare a mixture of one lemon, 100 g of aloe juice and ½ kg of walnuts. Twist through a meat grinder and eat daily 2 tablespoons meals. And also ingest every day infusion of oats. What rinse three cups of oats, pour in three liters of water and boil for 25 minutes, to give infusions during the day, drain and add 100 g of honey, close the lid and then put on fire, boil, cool. Pour into containers prior to use lemon juice is added. It is best to drink a decoction of 100 grams before meals in small sips every day.

In addition to the above treatment, prescribe a course of relaxing baths. It is important to monitor the temperature of water which must be a maximum of 37-38 degrees. Can not remain in the bath for more than 25 minutes, this procedure is best performed prior to bedtime or up to 2 hours before eating. Positively affected by the addition of herbal infusions, such as St. John's wort, or plantain, brewed in two liters of boiling water and diluted with water. It is possible to use essential oils such as lavender oil, peppermint or lemon.

Doctors may recommend a visit to the baths, saunas and cryo-massage, welcome contrast water therapy and yoga.

Every day you should drink at least two liters of water, spend more time in the fresh air and possibly set the fixed working hours. In rare cases, the treatment is added medication, which normalize night's sleep and boost immunity. Such funds shall be issued by prescription and taken strictly at the concentration indicated in the instructions.

Nowadays, chronic fatigue syndrome successfully treated fairly and leaves no consequences.

Tags: fatigue, vitamin treatment