The influence of physical activity on the metabolism

The influence of physical activity on the metabolism
 Known saying "movement - life" reflects the essence of the effect of physical activity on the human body. Even strong young healthy body without the daily movements turn into a sick and weak in just a month or two. This is due to the decrease in metabolism, leading to unbalanced work of the organs and body systems.  
 Metabolism - it is a complicated process. It can be called the ability of the organism in general and in particular individual cells degrade organic matter into energy and end-products and to synthesize new vital. And the more energy needs experiencing body, the faster your metabolism.

 Our understanding of metabolism are most commonly associated with constitutional peculiarities of the organism, the presence of extra pounds and the ability to lose weight. But, in spite of a genetic predisposition to the level of metabolism, the human body is capable of increasing its intensity when exposed to certain factors, that is, to adapt.

One such factor is physical activity. On increasing the metabolic rate during physical activity can be judged by their appearance. Such as the capacity of skeletal muscle mass, hypertrophy of the heart muscle, increase circulation and lymph circulation, increased sweating, more oxygen consumption during exercise and increased excretion of metabolic products of the kidneys.

Scientists have proved that the increase in metabolism is observed not only during physical training, but also at rest. This is due to the fact that muscle mass alone consumes 3-4 times more calories than fat tissue. Consequently, the increase in muscle mass will accelerate the process of splitting of organic substances for 24 hours a day.

But, what is the cure, can turn into poison. Exactly the same can be said about physical activity. If moderate load increase the tone of all organs and systems, strengthen the immune system and accelerate metabolism, the high loads can lead to the opposite result. Increased physical activity can cause loss of coordination of all organs and systems, crash in metabolic processes and ultimately to the disease.

Therefore, you should always listen to your body, especially during physical exercise in order not to go too far and do not turn in favor of harm.

Additional sources:

  • metabolism
 Author: KatRussia

Tags: health, substance exchange impact