Terms of good sleep

Terms of good sleep
 Get enough sleep is important for maintaining health and disability rights. At night there is a restoration wasted energy and its further accumulation for the coming day. However, even some long sleep does not bring a sense of relaxation and it has its reasons.
 Sleep has a deeper meaning for a person than just a vacation. During sleep slowing all physiological processes, and, accordingly, less energy is expended. Because of this there is a restoration of the central nervous system, many of disturbed functions and body. That is why chronic sleep deprivation is one of the reasons many diseases, and restful sleep - one of the components of successful treatment.

To get to sleep as much as possible for the need to create an enabling environment and to comply with certain rules. Then rest at night will be deep and continuous, and in the morning will be a feeling of cheerfulness.

Before going to bed is useful 10-15 minute walk. And, despite the fact that it can play the appetite, receiving a hearty dinner is contraindicated because crowded stomach can cause restless sleep and anxiety dreams. However, on an empty stomach at least sleep is harmful, because becomes sensitive and superficial. Therefore it is better to eat a light dinner or enjoy a glass of warm yogurt.

Also, before going to bed is good to take a warm shower or do foot baths. They contribute to the expansion of blood vessels of the lower limbs and blood flow to the brain. This takes away a busy day and brings drowsiness.

One of the conditions of good sleep is to stabilize the psycho-emotional state, as a sense of excitement, intense mental activity, exciting thoughts and unpleasant conversations do sleep restless and superficial. In this case it is necessary to develop the ability to step back at bedtime problems of day we live.

For a good sleep is very important comfortable bed and good bedding. Much more useful to sleep on a spring moderately hard mattress, the bed linen of cotton fabric, solid cushion with natural fillers (rice, buckwheat husks or dry grass) and under the blanket. Due to the mattress and pillows to maintain the normal position of the spine and at the expense of natural fabric bed linen - body heat and ventilation.

Best sleep completely naked. It is perfectly valid to the skin and allows it to fully breathe during sleep. If the room is cool, it is best to hide extra blanket or rug. To sleep better on the right side and only occasionally on the back. Sleep well in the abdomen is considered undesirable because alters the natural position of the spine and internal organs, violating thus their blood supply.

Fresh and moist air will sleep deeper and more continuous. To do this, you must ventilate the room before going to bed, and if possible, leave the window open all night. For humidity can be hung at the window wet towel or put a jar of water.

Tags: bath, state, sleep accessory