Summer: Do not get sick!

Summer: Do not get sick!
 It seems that in the summer people almost sick. Even in hospitals cease endless queues. But in reality it is not so. And it is so easy to reduce the risk of disease if treated carefully to his rest.
 Quite often the cause of summer colds lies in the use of ice-cream and cold drinks. Naturally, when I want to heat a little cool, but the consequence may be sore throat, runny nose, and hoarseness. To quench your thirst better to drink green tea or warm water at room temperature. Due to the fact that on hot days the body loses active liquid drink at least two liters of water per day. And the ice cream is better to eat small pieces - it will reduce the load on your throat.

In the summer people enjoy air conditioning and fans. In order not to get sick when they are used, close the windows and doors - this will help avoid drafts. Nor should we send over a stream of cold air.

If you are going to spend all day on the street, listen to the weather forecast. Summer heat is often replaced by heavy rain. Maybe we should grab an umbrella and a warm jacket?

At this time, all seek closer to the water, and it can also cause the disease. It is not necessary to jump into the water from a running start. Such a sharp change of temperature adversely affects the heart muscle. You go in the water slowly getting used to lower the temperature. If after a couple of minutes in the pond, you continue to freeze - out of the water, it still has not warmed up swimming. Furthermore, it is on the beach, you risk getting a fungus or E. coli. Therefore, do not visit "wild" places. Sunbathe on the beaches of the official, where it is constantly taking water samples for analysis. This will reduce the possibility of infection.

In order not to hurt the summer, doctors advised even before it starts to harden your body. Use the dousing with cold water, douche, exercise and walking. More walk in the fresh air and do not forget about a balanced diet.

Tags: cold, summer, reason