Sleep - the best medicine

Sleep - the best medicine
 Need for sleep experience almost all living organisms, including man. During sleep, the body is resting, gaining strength before the new day. If a person is suffering from sleep disorders, it can not lead a full active life.

The importance of sleep for health, not many realize. Some people believe that the dream - a waste of time. But this is not the case. People are constantly not getting enough sleep, eventually becomes irritable, distracted, constantly experiencing fatigue. And he can not ignore this.

On average a person to sleep, which is beneficial to the organism requires 7-8 hours. Although each person is different, some quite and 4 hours. Modern pace of life is not always possible to carve out the time required for sleep, but should try to find him. Because if you do not sleep enough, then during the day will not only feel rested not, but it will be difficult to focus on solving any and tasks, your activity will be at zero, etc.

In addition, lack of sleep is not the best way affects the appearance. Black eyes, ottekshee, pale face - these are just some of the consequences of what you little sleep. Moreover, lack of sleep affects your figure: you may want the extra weight.

During sleep, relax not only the body but also the brain. But the brain to fully rested, you need to be able to completely distracted from the daily affairs. Otherwise, even in a dream, you'll twist certain situations, look for the solution of various problems, as a result of such a dream will not benefit. You wake up broken, with headache, irritation, fatigue.

Insomnia, sleep disorders are a prerequisite for the development of more serious diseases: colds, cancer, reduced immunity. Chronic lack of sleep can lead to stress, depression, premature aging mechanism is triggered.

And the thing is that during sleep, melatonin is produced (up to 70% of the daily requirement). This hormone is responsible for the regeneration of the absorption of free radicals which destroy cells and cause serious disease (cancer, cardiovascular disease, etc.). No wonder, when a person is sick, it is recommended to sleep more, as it was in a dream is a restoration of the internal and external reserves.

In addition, melatonin is also responsible for the prevention of aging. If it produces enough you longer you stay young and beautiful.

In general, the use of sleep evident. And if you have problems with it, it is a signal to see a doctor. Otherwise, you run the risk of their physical and mental health.

Tags: body, sleep, lack, medicine, melatonin