How to prevent chickenpox

How to prevent chickenpox
 Chickenpox is to infectious diseases of childhood, because the greatest number of cases occurs precisely in organized children's groups. But can become infected and sick all the people in the blood which are not protective antibodies that prevent the development of disease. Susceptibility to the virus is very high - 80% of the sick without a history of people of all ages.
 The problem of the treatment of varicella is that the main carriers of the virus are people who are ill with the disease, because chickenpox and herpes are caused by the same virus. After the disease virus persists in the nerve ganglia and can be activated with the weakening of the body's defenses - having herpes along the nerve fibers. That man with manifestations of herpes can become a source of infection, the virus infects people who previously had no contact with the herpes virus.

To prevent the disease in our country, unlike the United States or Canada, routine vaccination against varicella is not carried out. This is done only at the request of parents after the child reaches the age of 1 year, and in the case of serious violations of immunity. Therefore, the main events are held in the outbreak of the disease, and they are directed to the prevention of infection. Imposed quarantine on the team - for 21 days from the date of the last case of the disease. Man becomes a "source of infection" on day 7 after infection and remains within 10 days after that - until the healing of skin rashes. But the source of infection man becomes even 2 days before the appearance of the first elements of the rash, making it impossible to secure the prevention of spreading the virus to others.

Be sure to conduct daily wet cleaning of the premises with the use of disinfectants, ventilation, limit contacts with potential sources of infection. It is particularly important to protect against the risk of infection in pregnant women, who in their lifetime have not had chicken pox before, and immunocompromised patients - during chemotherapy, pathology of the blood system. It is this category of patients in the absence of protective antibodies in the blood, detected by immunological study of blood, it is recommended to be vaccinated routinely.

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