How to learn to listen to your body

How to learn to listen to your body
 "Get sick" - says one person and immediately begins to take effective preventive measures. "Just think, easy fatigue. Tomorrow will take place! "- Says the other person and quietly to bed. Who are more at risk to wake up in the morning completely broken and sick? The question, perhaps, rhetorically.

Listen to your body - it's a difficult art to master is necessary for each person. If you know how to recognize the first "bells", such as the common cold or weakened immunity, the risk of serious illness is greatly reduced. After all, you will be, as they say, fully armed. So how do you learn to listen to your body?

Try to recognize the signals sent immunity

So many people ask, how to understand that the immune system has failed? In fact, it is quite easy. Think about what has changed in the last few weeks and months in your lifestyle and health. Most recently, you quietly climbed to the ninth floor on the stairs, and now hardly get to the third floor?

Just a couple of months ago, you could take work home, and now you barely have the strength to "hold out" until the end of the working day? That is the very first alarming signals that the body sends us. And if the time to listen to them and to change something in your diet, motor activity and lifestyle, you can once again feel the tides of energy and strength.

Evaluate your eating habits

It is especially important to listen to your body in terms of eating habits. For example, many nutritionists call before you come to the table and close for lunch, try on an empty stomach to understand: what is really necessary for your body?

Moreover, the need to "offer" the body is not complicated dishes, but simple, and best of all one-component. If you repeat this simple exercise consistently, you can learn how to correctly guess the needs of the body, feel great and, most importantly, do not gain weight.

In that case, if you have some specific gourmet addiction should find out what they mean. So, if a person can not imagine a day without milk and dairy products, it means he does not have enough calcium. Addicted to bananas indicates potassium deficiency, and to oranges, sauerkraut and sour berries - a shortage of vitamin C. But if you always want to seaweed, so not enough iodine in the body.

If you learn to recognize the signals and immunity to "decode" their eating habits, so you have successfully mastered the basics of effective communication with its own body. Continue to work in this direction and be healthy!

Tags: organism need