How to cope with stress

How to cope with stress
 If small stress - is normal and even useful, strong, lingering extremely harmful: it can lead to disease, alcohol abuse, drug abuse. Therefore it is very important to be able to cope with it.  
 First of all, try to perceive their problems adequately. You would think that trouble happened today, catastrophic scale. But it will take time and it will be remembered as a trifle. So does it make sense to worry too much because of the events that will soon be forgotten just?

Learn to live in the present, here and now. Not to think about the darkest episodes of the past, do not worry because that has not happened yet. It is difficult, but doable. Throw yourself away from gloomy thoughts, think positively. In any situation, even negative, you can find the pros, it's also an experience in which you learn, which is useful.

Self-irony, laughter - the enemies of any stress. Poironiziruyte on the problem - and it will decrease, will seem less important than before. Laughter also helps in the physical layer: it produces "happiness hormones" - endorphins that cause euphoria. Read more gay literature, watch a comedy, funny transfer. And do not hold back - laugh to tears: this is a very useful stress easily passes.

In no case did not turn in on themselves when under stress. Will help you cope with it communication with your friends, enjoy your people. Well, if among them there is a man who not only listen, but also to discuss the situation with you, express their opinions, give objective advice.

Try to relax, relax, relieve stress. Retire and stay a little alone with silence or in the company of good music, a favorite book. Take time for yourself, your desires: pat the cat, take a fragrant bath, look cute movie.

Another effective way to relieve stress - movement. Stress gives you energy, I will put it in the exercise, in an active lifestyle. Engage in physical activity at least half an hour a day, but regularly. And gradually a feeling of anxiety go away, it will replace the cheerfulness, high spirits and good humor.

Tags: stress