How to bring yourself back to normal

How to bring yourself back to normal
 Working days sometimes tightened so that the woman is no longer look after themselves. Irregular meals, snacks cold food, sedentary work may seriously harm the figure. But it is so important to always look slim and attractive!
 If you are going to the mirror, you see that the figure is poor: there were wrinkles on the sides, thighs blurred, do not hesitate and immediately join in themselves. Bring yourself back to normal and you can in a relatively short time.

Firstly, the weekend can be done fasting day to rid the body of toxins. On this day, you can only drink kefir and eat a couple of slices of green apple. There are many other options for handling days, you can use any of them, if there are no contraindications for health.

After fasting day is useful to start a diet. Let the diet will not be too hard for the body, for example, it will be good if you give up fried, starchy foods, oily and spicy. Food should be correct, useful, and food - balanced and regular.

In order to maintain the tone of the whole body be engaged in physical exercises. Aerobics save not only on the bad mood, but also helps to quickly bring yourself and your body back to normal. The more modern sports clubs offer a huge selection for its customers: fitball, pilates, yoga, Callanetics, step aerobics, dancing.

Great fun and will bring benefits to the body feetball hour session or step aerobics for an invigorating, rhythmic music. Fitball (aerobics ball) - a relatively new field of fitness. During the exercises with the ball being worked out abdominal muscles, improves coordination, stimulates internal organs. The body becomes hardier body gradually acquires flexibility, grace.

Excellent relieve stress and nervous fatigue yoga classes, Callanetics, Pilates. These areas of fitness designed to work with the respiratory system.

Take care and appearance. Visit the barber shop, make a new trendy hairstyle or hair color refresh. To hair looked perfect, pamper them a couple of times a week before washing hydrating mask.

The same applies to the person. There are plenty of folk remedies that will not only refresh the skin, but also to smooth fine wrinkles, give a person the freshness and radiance.

Tags: beauty secret, the body, the rate of