How quickly fall asleep and sleep well

How quickly fall asleep and sleep well
 Good sleep - the key to health. It is therefore to be healthy and look good, a person must regularly sleep well. It is especially known middle-aged woman, who, coming to the mirror in the morning after a sleepless night, see circles under his eyes and wrinkles that become more visible. Everyone has their own habits: someone who likes to sleep in socks, someone needs a blindfold, someone needs an old soft toy, a book to someone, maybe your favorite music or recorded on the disc surf. But sometimes it's not helping. How, then, quickly and easily fall asleep?

Certainly, each of us at least once in his life met with the problem of difficult to fall asleep. Heavy-time, stress, fatigue and many other factors knock us out of the rhythm of life. You come home from work and want to fall asleep quickly, getting rid of the daily problems. Therefore hear the phrase: "I can not sleep," can very often. Of course if you midnight tossed from side to side, and fell asleep only in the morning, then good health Sutra boast fail. Therefore it is necessary to take action.
If you have problems falling asleep, use the following tips:
- In the evening, at any time of the year, try to afford at least a small (20-30 minutes) walk on air. It is not necessary to spend the whole evening watching television, the more militant or watching crime dramas.
- Calm and deep sleep also contributes to a warm bath (37 ° C), which added to the infusion of herbs (chamomile, mint, lime blossom), or a few drops of lavender oil. If you have trouble falling asleep, try to sleep on the calf muscles to direct a jet of hot water from the shower: this massage will help relax and calm down. Take shared shower, much less become powdered hard towel at night is not worth it - better to do it in the morning.
- Good evening before the water procedures to walk around the apartment barefoot, about 15-20 minutes, then lie down for a minute, lift your feet, for example, on the wall, a large angle.
- Oriental doctors recommend after a foot bath to hold a foot massage with any vegetable oil, add the oil solution of vitamin E. Massage your feet need from the toes to the ankle.
- For combing hair before bedtime buy a wooden comb. Two minutes of such combing improve blood circulation in the scalp, relax and relieve stress accumulated during the day.
- Sometimes it's hard to sleep because of the blank, or, conversely, of fullness. Try dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime, do not drink strong tea and especially coffee. A small cup of warm milk with honey, herbal or weak green tea before bedtime will help satisfy your hunger without overloading the stomach.
- Dreams are easy and enjoyable, if you put a pillow next to a bag of dried herbs or put beside the bed dry mint leaves, lemon balm, lavender, thyme, rose petals. Need to sleep in total darkness, if necessary, zadёrnuv curtains. The temperature in the bedroom should be no higher than 18-20 ° C, but not lower than, or is restless sleep.
- A man sleeps more healthy sleep if the room is well ventilated. If the weather allows, do not close the window - so you better night's sleep. If the weather is bad, then at least ventilate the room before going to bed. Try to sleep on a flat bed, clean high pillows or soft mattresses. Soft bed contributes to a violation of posture and does not allow to relax.
- Nightwear should be comfortable and free, natural and soft tissues. Close pajamas and shirts should not be worn. Color bedding is also important. Psychologists and other experts believe that it is easier to fall asleep and sleeping peacefully in bed of blue-blue or golden beige. Better to issue a bedroom in the same colors, if possible. Bright and large patterns and colors in the design of the bedroom it is better not to use, and lighting make the side, preferably lamps with soft diffused light.
Proper sleep will give you a good mood, feel great and keep your youth.

Tags: linen, pillow, night, sleep