Healthy and sound sleep with eco-pillow buckwheat husk

Healthy and sound sleep with eco-pillow buckwheat husk
 Calm and healthy sleep - essential needs, a condition of its normal operation and strong nerves. In many ways, it depends on how comfortable you to sleep, and this, in turn, depends on whether you sleep on. Eco-friendly mattresses and pillows stuffed with buckwheat husk have orthopedic properties and hypoallergenic, they are quite capable to provide you a good night's rest.

What makes these pillows

The filler is made of buckwheat husk - husk, a natural raw material - waste that remain after cleaning bakeries unground buckwheat. As before cleaning buckwheat kernels were washed several times and then dried well, remaining husk contains no dust or dirt or any foreign matter.

In Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, where buckwheat fields for centuries occupied a large part of the arable lands, husk has traditionally been used for stuffing mattresses and pillows. It was quite cheap raw materials, unlike traditional down and feather, so the product has not been cleaned and washed, packing changed once a year, after harvesting and processing.

Useful properties of buckwheat husk pillows and

Pillow stuffed with buckwheat husk uniformly a convenient support for the head during sleep, with its orthopedic properties. It takes the form of an individual, providing close contact with the skin over the entire area where the head touches this support. This provides maximum flexibility and allows you to fully unload during sleep cervical spine. The optimum location of the spine helps to full disclosure of the respiratory tract and eliminates a cause of snoring as a retraction of the palate.

Even through dense tissue in contact with the body husk occurs acupressure, providing health effects when pressing on the bioenergetic point. Regular sleep on a pillow will help get rid of headaches, restore microcirculation vessels of the brain. During sleep, normalizes blood pressure, relieves symptoms of overload and chronic fatigue.

Due to the low thermal conductivity of buckwheat husk, in the summer on a pillow to sleep cool, and in winter - warm.

This natural and environmentally friendly filler does not cause any allergic reaction on contact with skin or by inhalation. This is an excellent remedy for those who are prone to allergies to house dust and fluff. In husk dust mites do not start - the source of allergy feather pillows, she hesitates, does not cake and is not preet.

Mattresses made of buckwheat husk provide uniform load distribution on the body weight, which contributes to full relaxation of the muscles and relax.

The price of this pillow depends on the size and starts from 350 rubles. Mattresses made of buckwheat husk can be bought on the Internet, their cost - from 1500 rubles. These products can be purchased online or in stores that sell environmentally friendly products.

Tags: cushion, eco, sleep, husk