Electronic Cigarettes: pros and cons

Electronic Cigarettes: pros and cons
 Russia is one of the most smoking countries in the world: the number of smokers is currently about 43 million people. Nicotine addiction is so strong that only 10% of people who quit smoking, do not come back later to this bad habit. The first step towards the complete abandonment of smoking may be the electronic cigarette - a stylish accessory that allows you to control both physical and psychological dependence.

The illusion of smoking

Electronic Cigarette is the outer normal simulation contained within the cartridge with nicotine liquid. Microprocessor-controlled atomizer inside it, tightening the liquid evaporated, creating the illusion of smoking.
A built-in LED electronic cigarette simulates the light of this. The device runs on batteries from replacement cartridges that are equivalent to the cost of a pack of cigarettes. The cost of the electronic cigarette depends on its model. Disposable cigarette allows you to make up to 2000 puffs are 3-4 times cheaper reusable.

The advantages of the electronic cigarette:

1. Filter the electronic cigarette is composed of only nicotine and flavorings. Due to the lack of the combustion process, the human body is not poisoned by harmful carcinogens and resins. Inhaled steam having a lower temperature and does not adversely affect.
2. The absence of the negative impact of the combustion products to the people around them in the form of so-called "passive smoking".
3. The possibility of smoking electronic cigarettes in public places in the cabin.
4. Control the level of nicotine supplied by the filters - cassettes with different concentration of active substances, nicotine cartridges.
5. The ability to do without auxiliary attributes of smoking, such as lighter and ashtray.
6. The electronic cigarette can cause a fire or leave marks on the hot ashes.
7. Lack of halitosis, traces on the fingers.

Disadvantages of electronic cigarettes:

1. High cost of the accessories needed for a cigarette. (Filters, cigarette case)
2. Problematic "shoot" like a cigarette, if its lost or forgotten at home
3. Lack of research in this area and quality control can result in a ban from the World Health Organization. Proposed the use of flavors, often containing drugs already recommended a ban worldwide.
4. Nicotine smoke, even devoid of carcinogens, is still dangerous for the body.

Thus, the electronic cigarette does not solve the problem completely, but only minimizes it.

Tags: work, lack of smoking, the principle advantage