Calms the nerves without drugs

Calms the nerves without drugs
 Unexpected twists of fate, high mental and physical activity and other factors lead to the depletion of the nervous system, which is extremely negative impact on lifestyle. However, there are many ways to get rid of stress and finding peace of mind available to everyone.

Who is to blame?

Temper tantrums are common in people exposed to stressful conditions over a relatively long period. Insufficient amount of sleep, hard work, unpleasant surprises and even elementary lack the necessary approval from others immersed in the emotional dissatisfaction and entail disruptions in the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Each situation is different from the expected and desired, may be the culprit of a nervous breakdown, which manifests itself in loud hysterics or quiet weeping - depending on temperament.

It may affect on the environment and that is not always easy to forget. Therefore, on the basis of practical experience have been mastered methods of calming the nerves, which are easily achievable by everyone, and exclude a visit to the doctor and the pharmacy.

What changed?

In order to bring the body back into the intended nature of the state, if not serenity, but, at least, balance, should be excluded, at least temporarily all irritants. In fact, afford a good rest. Need to reassure yourself by yourself and is much less rely on understanding and help others. So it's easier forewarned surrounding the temporary withdrawal from active affairs and entertainment.

Positive emotions can also be stressful for the nervous system, so elation is better to postpone the time when your body is ready for it.

If you want to quickly put himself in order, would be the best way to sleep. Long, strong and relaxing. If you suffer from insomnia, an hour and a half before bedtime can drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey.

In addition, it is better to eliminate the daily sitting in front of a computer screen and TV. Books, magazines, pleasant music will not be lost on the outskirts of civilization, but settled in the soul of harmony.

Not bad to have a pet, which will give a positive, peace, or, on the contrary, unobtrusively entertain. For those who can not afford it, it is likely to be a real pleasure sincere custody favorite cactus.

And also very important to keep reminding myself that everything will be fine, everything can be overcome - a kind of simple auditory training.

About effective methods

Cope with nervous instability to be very patient. And if the mere observance of rules of healthy behavior not play a role, should go to the enhanced techniques. Of course, a balanced diet, delimited regime of the day and the harmony of the world are a kind of foundation on which a further exemption from the harmful irritation and fatigue.

An effective way to achieve peace of mind can be attributed folk remedies. Herbal infusions and decoctions are top aides in the fight against the decline of nerve, eliminates the use of drugs. Chamomile, valerian, St. John's wort, peppermint, taken regularly beneficial effect not only on the general state of health, but also will have the desired effect on specific organs, requiring support. In addition, a large charge of vitamins in fresh fruits and vegetables contribute to regeneration.

Game to the public?

Often it happens that burnout is more like a feverish energy, and the slightest mishap causes an explosion of emotions, rather typical for dramatic actress. That such behavior is not perceived as a game to the public and the desire to attract attention, you need to give yourself the opportunity to "let off steam", ie, to bring its state to the usual tranquility.

Feeling of attractiveness - a great argument in a dispute with stress. Therefore, it is useful to visit the gym in addition to pamper yourself a pair of new shoes.

There is nothing better in those moments than increase physical activity. Going to the gym in the first place, to support the body in shape, and secondly, accelerate metabolism and regeneration of the body and increase the overall resistance of immunity, endurance. As a consequence, lower sensitivity and absence of depression will be excluded from the list of possible (and unpleasant) guests.

Special category

Very special categories of people in need of calming nerves, are students, employees in management positions and pregnant women. And those and others, and others can not always afford to energetic sport, a distraction from the business activity, etc. Therefore, they require a special approach in getting rid of stress.

Calms the nerves without drugs

For example, for the students before the exam is highly undesirable, even herbal infusions due to slow reaction and drowsiness, which they cause. But a hot bath, aromatherapy, relaxing massage will help to disconnect from the problems and give some breathing room for the evening.

For busy people always facing the direction of working with people, but do not want to run for fitness, yoga can help. Some exercise and soothing meditation reduce anxiety and anger.

Pregnant women are encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle as much as possible. It is worth regular visits to a psychologist, special viewing soothing videos and walking outdoors.

Tags: emotion, nerve medicine