How to restore the body after quitting
In the first days after quitting changes the composition of the blood - reduced carbon monoxide and nicotine increases the oxygen content. A person can feel a little weakness, dizziness, loss of appetite. This is because the body has not yet had time to adjust to the new scheme of work. Psycho-emotional state of ex-smokers usually upbeat - he is proud of his act and is easy enough to suppress the craving for cigarettes.
In the early days of a former smoker is often observed a small cold. This occurs because the immune system need to adapt to a new lifestyle.
During the first week the body of former smokers actively released by nicotine. Because of this, he may be a "nicotine deprivation." Begins to recover the bronchial mucosa, occurs in the lungs of mucus. Improves vascular tone, blood supply of the heart, brain and other organs, normal work of the stomach and pancreas, restored a sense of taste. By the end of the first week disappears physical dependence on nicotine, but is psychological.
At this time, make themselves known and unpleasant consequences of refusing cigarettes. A former smoker there are problems with the skin - it becomes flaky and dry. It can be confusing for cough, tinnitus, dizziness, sweating. Very often a person quit smoking appear irritability and temper.
At the end of the first week of high risk of return to the bad habit.
A month after quitting the person continues the positive changes in the lungs, stomach and intestines. Immunity begins to rise, blood cells are updated, normal activity of the blood vessels. A former smoker improves complexion, restores the sense of smell, there is a slight increase in weight. Craving to smoke weakens, cigarette smoke begins to cause disgust.
Six months later, after giving up cigarettes a former smoker significantly increased lung capacity. Discomfort that dogged get rid of bad habits of a person, almost completely disappear. He normalize appetite and sleep, dizziness disappeared, there is a desire to move more.
Nine months after the last cigarette comes another critical period when former smoker can break. To avoid this, it is recommended as soon as possible to spend more time outdoors. As for the positive changes in ex-smokers disappears from the characteristic voice hoarseness, teeth cleaned of plaque, almost completely passes cough.
A year later, a former smoker's health significantly improved - significantly reduces the risk of strokes, heart attacks, cancer, complications during pregnancy. Update rate and recovery of the body is highly dependent on how many years the person smoked. Years of inhaling nicotine smoke do have consequences. Former smoker or smoker is not insured against the likelihood of having children with genetic abnormalities.
Women can not quit smoking during menstruation - it threatens solid weight gain.
How to help yourself quit smoking, and body - to recover
Since nicotine is almost completely destroys vitamins B and C should be taken as a tablet. Also, try to vary your diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits and berries.
To speed up the process of renovation and restoration of the body each day is necessary to drink a liter of fresh juices.
It is very useful to stop smoking goat's milk. It helps to restore the elasticity of the tissues of the body, and also has anti-inflammatory effect and purifies from inflammation in the upper respiratory tract.
To improve the complexion women are advised to make a mask on the basis of milk, honey, sour cream or egg yolk.
Daily wet cleaning his apartment. Try not to be around for a long time household appliances - working TV or computer form positively charged ions, a devastating effect on the pulmonary epithelium. Get a humidifier - humidity less than 25% of harmful for weak lungs.
Spend more time outdoors - walking or cycling enhance the level of oxygen in the blood, strengthen the immune system, reduce shortness of breath.
Swimming pool, steam room, sauna. It promotes the renewal of many systems and organs, returns in good physical shape.
To reduce the craving for cigarettes, get a hobby for yourself and dedicate it as much free time. Hobbies distract from thoughts about smoking, help to refrain from the habit.
Carry hard candy, nuts, dried fruits and eat them if you want to smoke. Help in such cases and decoctions of herbs - mint, ginger, lemon balm, oregano.