The scientists examined the genomes of more than hundreds of thousands of smokers and found that bad habits are responsible for the genes, more precisely, their mutations. It is proved that smoking is responsible for starting a mutation in a gene on chromosome 11, and for weaning - 9th. Man is born more prone to tobacco dependence in the presence of mutations in the 8th and 19th chromosomes. Moreover, people with a similar gene mutations smoke more cigarettes per day.
How long does it take to go without smoking? According to studies, this habit disappears fairly quickly.
Confidence may increase or decrease, but it is necessary to overcome these fluctuations. Mood to quit smoking can disappear in an instant because of a bad situation. Do not need to have a weak will power to quit smoking.
People exposed to stress, should learn to relax.
Believe that you can do without smoking. Remember how you cope with complex problems - this time the result also depends on you. Think of the benefits: feel better, live longer, not to harm your family, save money, etc. Remember how harmful smoking and that you lose.
Sport activities help to relieve stress and help restore the body caused by smoking harm. Try to walk more. Reduce the number of cigarettes smoked gradually. Think that every day in the world quit smoking dozens of people. Once they have coped with this problem - and you can handle. Believe in your strength, and succeed. The main thing - your desire to get rid of a bad habit.