The benefits it lies primarily in the fact that dance movements improve circulation of the pelvic organs. This is a very beneficial effect on women's health, as well as gives it a smooth gait, accompanied by swaying hips. Production of sex hormones in the blood supply resulting power also increases. Woman literally blooms. Excellent condition hair and healthy skin color say about this quite clearly. Spine, resulting in bellydance classes becomes more flexible. Women with more plastic spine.
In the course of employment belly dancing is a constant training the abdominals and pelvic floor muscles. During labor, all this will be invaluable maternity and child. After all, the work of these muscles leads to a successful birth of a baby. Bellydance - is the dance that helps the expectant mother to go through childbirth without difficulties and preserve the beauty after them. Oriental Beauty is not just a girl with a flexible and steep pitched hips. This is a woman who can bear and bear children.
Bellydance does not include such heavy loads as shaping or step aerobics. Nevertheless, belly dance perfectly affect the formation of the female figure. After all, the main exercise in this dance accounted for most problem areas - thighs, buttocks and stomach. Wiggle your hips - thighs and pulled the line will be removed so disturbing "ears". Undulating belly shaking and diaphragmatic have worked for the deepest layers of the press. These movements, incidentally, help to remove fat deposits in the internal organs, which is very important.
Arm and shoulder girdle are in constant motion during bellydance. As a result, stronger muscles of the chest and the intercostal muscles. It helps for many years to maintain the perfect breast shape.
Unlearn basic movements, the woman herself can combine them in a pleasing consistency. Knowing your problem areas of the body, can increase the number of various dance elements.
Even if a woman after a workout will not be a professional dancer, she will become the perfect posture, grace and confidence.