Of course, it is difficult to do something with environmental factors. To move from the city to the countryside can not afford one. But for as long as possible to maintain their own health, you need to visit as often as possible in the air. Spend your vacation in a clean place, on the mountain or sea resorts. As often as possible take the exit for walks in the woods or at least to the nearest city park.
Can not be ignored and the principles of healthy eating. For normal cardiovascular activity primarily needed minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium. Your diet needs to be enriched dairy products, dried apricots, persimmons. Contain potassium and baked potatoes. There is an excellent vitamin preparation - Pananginum, it is sometimes called vitamin for the heart. It contains all the necessary trace elements that provide cardiovascular activity. Despite the fact that use of the contra-drug no dosage regimen and better discuss with your physician.
Do not forget about the active lifestyle. No wonder there is a popular expression, "running away from a heart attack." Often it is pronounced with a smile, but, nevertheless, active sports actually strengthens the cardiovascular system and is an excellent prevention of heart attacks. If you do not like running, do not despair. "Flee" any way you can: Take a dance, aerobics, skiing and skating, walking, playing volleyball or football. But it is necessary to bear in mind that the prevention of cardiovascular disease are the only aerobic exercise, but the power class, especially without the supervision of an experienced coach, can damage your health.
As for stress, the healthy lifestyle contributes to the fact that your body is much easier to tolerate stressful situations and gives a feeling of fullness of life. But still try to avoid conflict situations.