Eat foods rich in vitamins and trace elements. It is not only the berries and fruits, but also vegetables, herbs, whole cereals. At least twice a year pharmacy take vitamin-mineral complexes. They will help saturate the body with iodine, calcium and vitamin D, which is experiencing a deficit every third inhabitant of the Far North. Limit consumption of meat and salt. The main source of protein for fish should be a northerner.
Physical inactivity is detrimental to the body. Meanwhile, due to the harsh climatic conditions, many residents of the Far North lead a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise, physical therapy, perform tempering procedures.
Regular preventive care. The most common northerners are broncho-pulmonary, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and endocrine disorders. In addition, in northern regions widespread parasitic infection. The reasons for this are the poor quality of drinking water and eating thermally unprocessed meat and fish. Unfortunately, the quality of care in the Far North is poor, so timely diagnosis and preventive measures - the best way to maintain health.
Every year, use a regular vacation. At the same time to relax from the region with a mild climate. Most soft acclimatization runs in spring and autumn, so try to plan a trip to this time.