How to improve brain activity

How to improve brain activity
 Improving brain activity occurs at the expense of regular exercise - reading, writing poetry and short stories, memorizing texts, crossword puzzles, etc. Brain needs constant stimulation to function at full capacity - a person must have a good memory to be active from an intellectual standpoint.
 Vascular disease always have an effect on brain activity. People who have experienced heart attacks, strokes, often suffer from high blood pressure, complain of poor memory, loss of concentration, confusion, etc. If you treat hypertension, prevent many vascular pathologies and maintain chronic conditions, the quality of life can be improved by increasing brain activity taking special drugs. From popular recipes to stimulate brain activity can be identified with the use of milk black pepper - a small amount of powder pour hot milk and drink before bedtime.

Home Recipes stimulation of the brain also include the use of medicinal drink - ginger, cardamom and cinnamon, mix in small amounts (a pinch), pour boiling water and drink after breakfast. After lunch, your drink consists of coriander, anise and cumin seeds, and after dinner drink an infusion of anise, cinnamon and chamomile. All three compounds have a stimulating effect and help to improve brain function.

Effectively improves brain activity regular physical activity - during exercise the body in large quantities supplied oxygen, brain cells improves power, all processes are accelerated. Therefore, knowledge workers are advised to engage in sports, and do exercises to warm up during the day.

Train your memory using various techniques - memorize phone numbers, birthdays, learn foreign languages. Show interest in intellectual games and exercises - learn how to play chess, learn a complex scheme, try to understand the principles of technology devices and instruments. In some cases, the reception of nootropics ("Piracetam," "Encephabol") is justified - in a period of increased mental stress (exams, certification, etc.), after certain diseases, etc. Multivitamin complexes always stimulate the central nervous system, and plant collections (ginseng, Siberian ginseng) may be used only for a limited time, as they have a stimulating effect not only on the brain, but also in other organs.

Tags: work, brain, memory, activities