Much attention is paid to the East use of precious stones and metals in the treatment of various diseases. In particular, gold promotes renewal and regeneration, wound healing and increase male power. Made of gold pendant will help prevent the development of breast cancer. A silverware, famous for the ability to kill germs - an excellent tool for the prevention of inflammation of blood. Widely used in alternative medicine received and pearls, solutions which are used as a compress to treat goryachek, burns, intestinal poisoning. A pearl powder perfectly clean skin, so it can be used as a mild facial peels, it has excellent bleaching and reinforcing properties.
An important component of the "recipe" of longevity is the behavior of man and his attitude towards life. Anger, envy, resentment and other permanent negative generate the appearance of a number of diseases. For example, complacency adversely affects the liver, causing heart palpitations flattery. The consequences of envy - headache, inflammation of the gall bladder and stomach problems. A positive attitude also helps the body to "cheer up" to the correct way.
Particular attention both in traditional and in alternative medicine on nutrition. In spring and summer you need to use more fluid and sweet. In the winter diet must necessarily include hot meals and meat. Moreover, the most useful is the chicken. Poor wine menu is not excluded. It should only drink sensibly and in moderation.
For the benefit of the body "work" fresh vegetables, fruits, juices, honey, nuts. Particularly beneficial effect has-eat carrots, tomatoes, fatty fish varieties of parsley. But the miracle pills and tablets should not be carried away. Better to prefer natural products - herbal teas and infusions, renowned for centuries for its healing properties. For example, a good assistant in health promotion, and accordingly, and longevity are linden flowers, clover, aloe, burdock. Brew them drink as tea. And soon replace the lightness in the body and good health.
And, of course, do not forget about a healthy lifestyle, outdoor exercise, physical education.